Design Timing

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May 19, 2008
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WI do you figure out how long it should take to make an arrangement? It's so hard to track at times because of interruptions.
Do you time your designers or yourself? Do you say "you have to get this many dollars worth of arrangements done in this amount of time?"
Just curious.
In my shop, we estimate the length of time needed to create the design - which is somewhat based on the style of design. More involved designs mean longer design times which translates into a larger design fee.

I have been designing for about 26 years now, so I can create most arrangements in a brief amount of time. However, if I am creating a mock up of a wedding centerpiece and am trying figuring out the best way to make something new - I include the time to make the mock up into cost of creating all the wedding centerpieces.

When learning something new, I found it easier to have someone else time me so I'm not paying attention to the clock. I am amazed at how often I am incorrect in thinking I whipped together an arrangement when it took me 30 minutes or when an arrrangement "isn't coming together quickly" and only 7 minutes passed.

There are no correct answers for this question, too many variables. But, I'll try to give you parameters for one person doing all the work.
Basic CPs or vases: 7 min
Sprays (casket or standing):15-20
Form pieces (toothpicks):30-40 min
Form pieces (wire picks):45-60 min
Form pieces (oasis): 20 min.
Labor should be 20% of order
(labor includes taking, making and delivering order)
Designer should be able to make 8 x's salary in an hour. (ex:$15 hr = $120 worth of orders)
I'm sure others on this forum have their own formulas. But this worked for me.
When I had a lot to do I gave my self a certain # of arrangements to do in an hour.
If two people were working the # went up 2.5 times
(ex: 1 person/7 basic arrangements-2 people/18)
figure the arrangements @ $30. 1 person would produce $210/ 2-$540
Hope this helps
my pos can track timing, and interuptions such as a designer making a sale. I can track everything and every task.

It also has a huge list of floral activities that each employee can check off and then I can use that info to offer bonuses or other incentives.

Do we use it? No, but its there if needed. It is also really quick and easy to do.

I have also found that unless you push your people, they won't push themselves (unless they have to). Over the years, I have had employees that have been very slow and have considered themselves slow as well. When I have pushed them and given them a time frame, they have been able to speed up. So if they know what is expected, they will live up to it and will exceed their own expectations in many cases.
One of the things that pushes us is if we get the fresh done we get to do silk arrangements! Only two of us in the floral dept right now, so everything is pretty much done in a hurry anyways.

I was once told by an owner I needed to produce $150. in an hour, which is ok unless you have to wait on customers and all that other stuff, then it's pretty hard.
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