"Details of my Kafka-esque journey with FTD"

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Design matters
Nov 28, 2002
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Oh, my. A blistering blog rant about ordering flowers from FTD.com, subtitiled "Full details of my Kafka-esque journey with FTD™ after the jump."

The guy asserts why he chose a professionally designed flower arrangement, how the delivering florist failed him and how FTD handled his complaint.
Wake up and smell the dead flowers! We live in an age of consumer evangelism. How long do you think you can continue to treat your customers like this? You know, if you piss off enough people, sooner or later one of them writes about it on the internets.
Follow those links for more rants. The local florist is lucky FTD got the blame and not them. Even though FTD's customer service was poor, the florist created the problem by delivering inferior product - and late to boot.

Trust me when I say nobody looks good here - but it's a fascinating read.
If they can grow "seedless watermelons" nowadays, maybe they can make a rose that looks like it's dying, but surprises everyone and hangs on for dear life for weeks. (They can call it the Generalissimo Francisco Franco Rose.)

Love it :>
Interesting--and it's not an isolated incident. This weekend I got an email message about a small detail for an internet order. I responded quickly with a "no problem". This is the response I got

"No, no, no, you can't respond immediately to a customer's e-mail. That's "service" and it's unknown in the florist industry. FTD would be ashamed! Actually, this order is to replace a FTD order that went bad. They shipped 36 sweetheart roses via Fed Ex with no water or refrigeration. Guess what they looked like when they arrived?

Sounds like you're much more on the ball. Thanks."

This is from a complete stranger and new customer to our shop.
Oh my, Bigted - way to show 'em who to call in the first place! Little by little, I hear it from customers, and more frequently than a few years ago.
Loved the article.
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