Dirk Lorenz Intro

Dirk Lorenz

New Member
Aug 19, 2011
State / Prov
My name is Dirk Lorenz, I am the owner of Fremont Flowers and have been a retail florist for 28 years. I also own Marlowes Flowers and Navlets Flowers. I have a wholesale florist called Bay Area Wholesale. I have acquired the additional retail florists mentioned above as a result of the economy and the changes taking place in the Floral industry. Although these acquisitions have helped me personally, I am saddened by these consolidations as it is my private case study of what is happening to our industry. Therefore I have become proactive in affecting change as a founding member of Florist For Change. I feel by communicating on FlowerChat we can gain the groundswell of support needed to affect change in the floral industry.
Hey, Dirk. Good to see you here at FC.

You truly did a masterful job shepherding the discussions at Florists For Change in Las Vegas - and keeping the conversations on topic. Great start! Thank you so much for all you have done and all you will do. :)

Lots of conversation here, with the goings on at FFC being big topic. Members will be delighted to hear from you.
welcome to the board so many of us call home and safe haven to discuss business..I am sure you will give new life to some of the converstaions here..

Dirk... welcome to the floral zoo, the FlowerChat Community.... we're glad you joined us....

Today's, my day off, but I'm here... planning on making many phone calls to florists around Michigan and get them to Florists For Change~!

Enjoy your look around FC....

Mark Smith
Welcome aboard, I believe you'll find most of us "enlightened" florists from way back and eager to see the "Change"
Welcome Dirk to Flower Chat
Welcome Dirk and again a thanks for the great Job done by you and the groups founders. I look forward to working with you and all the florist in trying to bring needed change to this industry.