DIZI Intro

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New Member
Jul 30, 2009
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My website is www.pondviewflorist.com

I have been in the business for 32 years, but have owned my own shop for ten years, located in downtown Winchester, Ma. I attened Rittners in Boston.
I was referred to FlowerChat by Lori from Affairs to Remember in Melrose, Ma. I would like to meet & chat with more people in the industry & see what others are doing to grow their businesses & would like to share knowledge that I have with others to help them. I had never heard of FlowerChat before & am looking forward to being part of it. Being in business is a challenge, especially now. I'm sure we all have valuable tips that we give to each other.
Welcome. You might just love being here!
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Lori's ok works for me.....Welcome To FlowerCHat
I have known Diane for many years. She is a forward thinking business woman, with a passion for the flower business. I think she will fit in great here.
Lori's recommendation is gold. :)

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