Do you see what I see?


New Member
Sep 23, 2006
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I've just noticed something! On the header of individual posts, under the poster's name, shop & location, is a bar of green squares. I believe it corresponds to the number of green dots a particular poster has received.

Have you ever hovered your mouse over those green squares?

Try it -- and get a giggle!

(Don't tell me that everyone knew about this but me!)
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LOL, *heart* Gracie, been there forever just in the opposite corner in the old format.....
Like reading a fortune cookie.

Add the term - "IN BED" on the end of fortune cookie papers to have some fun

example - Susan Hawk will become famous soon enough + in bed
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yep, it's always been there.
When I first came on board it said something like I "had a bright future" The more rep points you get the more flattering it gets. I know that each green dot that we see equals a lot of green dots that have been given to you by individuals. I also know that the higher the rep the more valuable a single green dot is if given by someone with a high rep count. IOW- Bosses green dots are worth more than mine.
BTW- I love getting green dots. it feels like big smiles to me! And red ones feel like punches in the eye!

Oh and BTW- Dom,,, you giot that right! HA!!!
I've been approaching legendary status for a millenium now I think.;)

Yes, the "reputation" bar has been there for some time.

Just a reminder, the option is not available in all forums, and that they are anonymous, so if you want someone to know you sent them some, you need to include your name in the comment.
Under posts in eligible threads you'll see a star. Click on the star and a box will pop up asking you to indicate if you approve or disapprove of the post. You can also leave a comment. Marking 'Approve' gives the member a green (Positive) dot and marking 'Disapprove' gives a red (Negative) dot.
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Just please remember to sign your comments... negative or positive we always appreciate knowing. :)

I was an unknown quantity yesterday.
Today I earned some respect and now i'm on a distinguished road.
I'll be famous soon enough (hopefully by the end of the week).
I like to think I'm already a jewel in the rough, but I'll be there indefinitely after I'm famous.
I think I'm nice. I hope you do too...

My name will be known to all, eventually
Maybe then you'll think I have unquestionable character..
Aww! A splendid one to behold.. (I like that one)
Then I'll have much to be proud of (even though I already do haha)
Then I'll be in a whole other level
Then I'll have a splendid/brilliant future
By then I'll have a reputation beyond repute

And the last step is (approaching) legendary status (I doubt I'll ever get to that haha)

When you have 1 green dot the corresponding message is "is an unknown quantity"
2/3 "is earning some respect"
4 "on a distinguished road"
5 "will become famous soon enough"
6 "has a spectacular aura"
6 "is a jewel in the rough"
7 "is just really nice"
8 "is a glorious beacon of light"
9 "is a name known to all"
11 "has a brilliant future"
11 "is a splendid one to behold"
11 "has much to be proud of"
11 "has unquestionable character"
11 "is in a whole other level"
11 "has a reputation beyond repute"

and last but not least: 11 "approaching legendary status"
When you have 1 green dot the corresponding message is "is an unknown quantity"
2/3 "is earning some respect"
4 "on a distinguished road"
5 "will become famous soon enough"
6 "has a spectacular aura"
6 "is a jewel in the rough"
7 "is just really nice"
8 "is a glorious beacon of light"
9 "is a name known to all"
11 "has a brilliant future"
11 "is a splendid one to behold"
11 "has much to be proud of"
11 "has unquestionable character"
11 "is in a whole other level"
11 "has a reputation beyond repute"

and last but not least: 11 "approaching legendary status"

Nope, You forgot the last one is "________ is a a legend on FC"
Only one Legend I know of here
The reputation manager begins with "little steps" between levels. Early on they are separated by a hundred or two points, as the scale increases they are separated by 1000 or 2000, then as you continue to climb they become separated by tens of thousands... so you can advance quickly in the beginning then it will slow as the gap widens.

Also, when someone with a low rep gives the recipient gains a little, but when someone with a large rep gives the recipient gains more quickly.