Shannon, for anyone with employees at all it is...Here in MA if you pay anyone in any fashion you are to have WC even contract labor...if they use your equipment and follow your rules they are an employee and if they get hurt they can sue and do..My dad learned this the hard way, when the man he had working the overnight shift, got high in his van while working and smashed into a pole, even though he was high as a kite and the accident was his fault, my dad ended up paying his drs bills out of pocket, his lost wages, and damages to the tune of 45,000 dollars, at the time it was all of his and my mom's retirement was never recouped and my dad died at 61, so my mom is now doomed to live on meager ss benefits and a very small pension, looks like I better start making a whole lot more money so I can support her...
As a result of this, I am insuranced to the hilt for store liability, fire, theft and vehicle insurance....I don't carry the coverage on myself because it would have cost me 4500.00 a year to cover myself as the owner. If I had occasional employees they cover a store of my calibre for 211.00 a year and then send out a audit in December and I would list the employees and their wages and be charged at that time for the coverage on them....
Many shops in MA will have the policy in standing and pay this, and at the end of the year if there were no incidents, claim no employees, illegal for sure, but many will do this, just in case something happens they have a policy in force and can deal with it...