Too many Doves!
Okay, so I noticed a little confusion, and we've realized internally that using the name 'Dove' on lots of products might be the source. Here's a little clarification that Danielle in Tech communications gave me:
There are 3 things you seem to be discussing here. 1) is 'legacy' Dove. It's software on a desktop computer used to send/receive orders. It uses dial-up and needs a phoneline to work.
2) is DovePlus. It's web-based software to replace 'legacy' Dove. It's also used to send/receive orders, but now also allows you to look at recipes, etc, too.
3) is Dove Point-of-Sale (POS). This is much more than the other two because while it can send/receive orders from the network, it also has accounting capabilities, customer management capabilities (your database of customers), etc.
To change from 'legacy' to DovePlus, there's no cost. To upgrade to a full POS, that's when you run into added expenses.
We know initially there were complaints about the speed of DovePlus (I know someone already referenced that but wasn't smart enough to note who before writing this
) - we've made enhancements and don't hear about that as an issue with much frequency anymore. (I say it that way because with computers, someone always thinks things should go faster.)
Does that offer any clarity? I can also talk about the benefits of DovePlus if you want... It's true, though, that moving to DovePlus doesn't cost extra AND allows you to drop a phone-line (thus actually SAVING you money).