A member of FTD since Oct 1974 (our takeover date) and let's see. I never see any advertising anymore and what I do see is ugly women half dressed holding a vase of hmm, can't describe them most of the time. I certainly used to be proud to say I was FTD (that isn't so true anymore). They don't need me to deliver as they allowed the crap shop down the street (whose poinsettias are all sitting in a window and it's 15 degrees out right now here). Hmm, lots of incoming...if you count 800 and Dot.com (mostly always a price change). Holiday Specials, nope. But I did like the red & white ceramic vase for Christmas, but can't afford to buy so many and they won't spilt case like Teleflora did.
Marketplace? Well we did just get new denim shirts for the 3 of us. Logo, embroidery. nice. But their paper supplier, ala Moore, thank goodness they are gone. Technology..can't wait for my Wings lease to give up cause they're getting it all back.
I DO clear my credit cards through them. And I guess, I am still waiting for them to be good to me again.
I think there will be much thought soon about whether I need them anymore at all.