E eavalo New Member Feb 17, 2010 0 0 0 boonton State / Prov nj Feb 17, 2010 #1 Retail florist in NJ. Hoping to see how others are dealing with the increased pressure on retail flower shops.
Retail florist in NJ. Hoping to see how others are dealing with the increased pressure on retail flower shops.
anytimeflowers Linda Nov 22, 2009 4,033 3,448 113 62 West Saint Paul any-timeflowers.com State / Prov Minnesota Feb 17, 2010 #2 Hi. Bill is it? Welcome to the board. Wondering if you have a website that you would care to share with us? We enjoy checking out different sites and such as we get to know people. Thanks! Linda
Hi. Bill is it? Welcome to the board. Wondering if you have a website that you would care to share with us? We enjoy checking out different sites and such as we get to know people. Thanks! Linda
Rhonda Well-Known Member Nov 1, 2002 5,925 2,788 113 124 Millinocket www.millinocketflorist.com State / Prov Maine Feb 17, 2010 #3 Bill's Website here