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Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2002
State / Prov
Am looking for a book entitled:
Searching for Design by Dan Harwell (sp?)
I tried
need it for trying to understand my Maine Master Florist Designer course...
(one class down, 3 more to go and I need help LOL )
Thanks for any help.
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Thank you again Cathy..You're a wiz.
I tried to order it last night but their site has some problems (or could have been the thunderstorms hanging around this state last night). I will give them a call today.
"Searching For Design"

Cathy -

Do you know of anyone out there who does programs on this?

What a coincidence - I brought that book to works last week! We've got a couple of girls who are learning the basics of design - one wanted to know why one of my designs "worked"!

Maybe Dan Harwell wants to go on the road? :rolleyes:
I've seen Jim Johnson and Dan present a great program based on the book. Greogory Lersch, Holley Money-Collins, Jim del Prince, and my husband are other names that come to mind.

The underlying premise is that "beautiful design", across the entire spectrum of visual arts, is based on relational proportions between measurable factors (in the form of a ratio expressed in the fibonacci sequence). I know it sounds geeky, but it's definitely not 'design by the numbers.'

The concept helps florists understand why designs 'work' - or not.
Our mmfd course is based on AIFD and Gregor's "chart" of design. Our hands on must be categorized by Gregor's chart. We discussed fibbonaci but it didn't stick with me although I see it in the work I do. Dan's book explains it out much better than any other I've seen. BTW, Baacks asked where I got the reference to them about the book...the "author" likes to know...
It is a great teaching tool (amazing).. Should have my book time to study for my next class!!
Second Class Done..

Whooo Hoooo earned my first perfect grade !!!!
(except for the open book test that is)..
Learned it's very hard to do a hand-tied with an armature with your left hand in a motion limited brace ! :)
Glad my friend tied it off for me... (scored 48/50)
Crescent Bridal (48/50)
wired & taped corsage & bout (50/50)
On to the third class next month...vegetative & waterfall..
Got my awaiting Rene's now...(now that hand tied is done)
Still laughing at our "Themed design" final design. The theme is Technology. That may take some work!! Am looking forward now to the AIFD workshop on the 17th here in Maine. It's going to be a great show and a fun time.
Classes are finished :)

Finished my last class today.
Scored a 49/50 on my themed design (technology)
Scored 46/50 on my suprise package (done after the themed design and test so just wanted to get it done-marked down on creativity after my themed design which was a hoot)
Now awaiting score from written test (which I don't feel very confident about) But I do have the satisfaction of holding about a 47/50 average in the design areas. Phew!!
Celebrate, Celebrate, Dance to the music!! :musical:
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Congratulations Rhonda!

*high Five*!! :)
I Passed!!!!

got the phone call today. I am officially (or well next Spring after graduation ceremony) a Maine Master Florist Designer aka mmfd.
31 years after adding A.S. after my name (Associate in Veterinary Sciences) I can now add mmfd. Big PHEW!! Now I can breathe again.
Congratulations are in order!!!

I am always proud of anyone that goes the extra mile to achieve. Doesn't it feel good to accomplish this feat? Congratulations on a job well done.
Carol Bice, AIFD, AAF, FAM
I'm so happy for you Rhonda. Hard work, effort, talent... all yours.

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