Ellis Intro

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New Member
Mar 18, 2009
State / Prov
Company website address is not active. floraltrendsinc,com

Been with Floral Trends 1.5 years 30+ years in industry

All on the job training, though have been to way too many conventions.

Found you on the web while look for info on other maters

Am actively look for another position in the floral industry and always interested in new ideas.

Hope my years in the business many be able to help others.

Floral Trends is in a commercial building I am contacting you from my residence.
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Hi there! Welcome to FC!
Introduction message from Ellis

Hi all. feel like I am before a judge and jury. but so be it.

Began as a driver for a retail florist in Brooklyn, NY in 1971.

Opened my own retail shop in 1974 closed it in 2001.

Went to work for Alders Wholesale Florist in 2001 as a Sales Representative.

Moved on to Floral Trends in Charlotte, NC in 2007 and was down sized in January 2009.

Used to enjoy a good run, now its more like a good walk.

Kids are all raised so my wife and I are empty nesters except for our little dog Mimi.

Am actively looking for my next adventure in this crazy wonderful industry.

Thank you for considering me for membership
Thanks for answering. Because we are professionals we prefer to keep some discussions for those in the business and active in the business.
Welcome - Read Much~Post Often
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Hello Ellis, thank you for sharing your experience. Please take no offense and understand that we as a forum community try our best to filter out non floral related or hobby type applicants. In good faith we have to vote on new members we deem as relevant to the plight of the floral industry as a whole. I encourage you to share what you know and learn from some great minds here.

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Could you elaborate a bit on what Floral Trends is...and what kind of position you are looking for in the industry?
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Thank you for taking some time to introduce yourself and answer our questions.

I have a couple of questions if you don't mind.

What position do you now hold at FloralTrend? What type of business is Floral Trend? Retail, wholesaler, etc....

You said you were downsized at your current place of employment, were you let go or were your hours cut??
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Thanks, Ellis, for your interest in our community. Your frankness is appreciated. Because of the nature of some discussions here, we do try to keep FlowerChat a site for professionals. We've been "burned" a few times, and that causes our caution.
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