evethom Intro

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Jul 7, 2008
State / Prov
I do not yet have a website for my business. I have been in business as a wedding/special event florist for 5 years. I work out of my home in the suburban Baltimore region. I found this website via a google search. I look forward to collaborating with other floral professionals on this forum regarding design trends, vendors/suppliers, etc. I can contribute same.
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Do you have any formal training or education??
Do you have a licensed business in the State of Maryland?
Have you set aside a part of your home for coolers, storage, etc?
Hi Eve: I too would like to know the answers to the questions Rhonda posed. Also, how many weddings and or events do you do in a year and do you take care of them yourself?

What took you into the direction of a home-based wedding floral business?

Thanks for responding.

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To answer the questions.....No, I do not have formal training...I learned on-the-job as I have worked various flower shops over the last 15 years. Yes, I do have a licensed business in Maryland. Yes, I do have dedicated space in my home for my business (actually not in my home, it is a detached structure on my property). I do most of the work myself although I have hired help for delivery and set-up assistance and I have a friend who is a very talented floral designer and we work together on large weddings. This year I have booked 10 or so weddings.
What took me in the direction of a home-based floral business? Well, the short answer is I really love floral design. The somewhat longer answer is I have always worked in a shop or done weddings on the side while I was involved in a totally different career (human services). I have always kept my foot in the door of the business and often got referrals for weddings without pursuing them. After having twins last year I left my human services job and do not plan to return to that. I began getting referrals for weddings through friends and people who have seen my work and as I have been getting busier with referrals I am realizing it is the right time to take my business to the next level. I am working on a wedding and plan to solicit for referrals and do local wedding shows.
So that is my story. I do have a lot of experience in this business. I have done everything from designing large weddings on my own to mass producing the FTD/Teleflora holiday arrangements to doing wire orders to ordering merchandise to sales to delivering arrangements.
Let me know if any further information is requested. Thanks for reading!
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Eve, again thanks for taking the time to respond. Do you have coolers in your studio? How big do you want your business to grow?

I have small coolers and am in the process of buying a larger one. Just found a few used that I am going to take a look at....As to how big I want my business to grow? Hmm. Good question. I guess big enough to be financially rewarding but small enough that it does not feel like it is overtaking my life as I have young children that need to remain my number one priority. Part of the answer to growth plans and goals is uncertain due to a possible partner (she works freelance for me now on bigger jobs) but she has some health issues that we are waiting to see about. If she is healthy and committed within the next 6 months, then we would have bigger plans than if I were to proceed solo. Time will tell...
Thanks and welcome. :)

Do you pay taxes? Md Sales, Payroll, State, Federal, Personal Property and local ? Do you pay into the Md injured workers fund? Is your residence zoned for a home based business?
Just curious.

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Hi Jennifer,
Yes, I pay all the required taxes. I charge customers MD sales tax and pay it back to the state. I don't have employees so am not required to pay into IWIF. There are no restrictions to operating a business at my home. I do not live in a neighborhood with lots of zoning guidelines. In fact, many of my neighbors also have home-based businesses.
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