f2f orders,,issues

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New Member
Aug 15, 2003
new hampshire
State / Prov
A problem I have encountered seveal times with f2f orders is the lack of knowledge of the sending florist..
An example ..an order was given to us last Monday by credit card for delivery to a far away town.. no mention of this being another florist.. We told them there was a $12.00 delivery charge.. always has been, listed in the ftd directory.. and apparently the employee never noted it.. so the owner calls up last Friday.. @@@@@ing about the total.. on her credit card. I explain about this being a far away town and always has had a $12.00 del. charge..she claims we never said that.. I don't know where she got our phone # from but if it was from an old directory it was listed there and if it was from the net somewhere it was noted how far away we were.
But the real problem is this was a phone order.. If the fl orist chooses not to use some form of technology then they are responsible for getting it right ..
..and don't @@@@@ to me after the fact..
So this one problem we need to deal with.. I am so into technology because I am so tired or she said..he said thing.. hard copy rocks... no questions not problems
and another issue with that modality? If they push the issue, the Card company sides with the purchaser, and you get a chargeback. I've heard it on here, like "our guarantee is the credit card company" for the senders on credit cards.

So you HAVE to make them happy, no one mediates like a ws does.

I like having an intermediary to help with disputes and both TFTD will eat orders in the name of peace, where a credit card company NEVER will.
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