Fabricated flowering tree

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Active Member
Mar 25, 2007
College Point
State / Prov
I am looking to design an instore display of a flowering tree. As far as the flowers are concerned I have that under control. What I am wondering is the tree part. What would be good to use? I would also like to rent this out for parties and events. Thanks in advance for all your help.

I have gotten dead trees from several nurseries. They are more than willing to give them to you for free. Just make sure it wasn't and insect proble that killed the tree. I have had several in the store over the years. We just use a terra cotta pot and plaster of Paris to set them.

Also, the pruned branches from several of the trees are hanging from the ceiling of my store still. They make great displays for everything from birdhouses to holiday ornaments. We change the flowers on ours seasonally.
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I have gotten trees that have been cut down & before they start tearing the branches off I ask if I can have them. I have gotten them for free many times & use the terra cotta or ceramic pot w/quickcrete from home depot or lowe's. I have done some really big ones, so not sure if plaster of paris will hold a real large tree. Good luck!

Can you post pictures of this? We have an area of ceiling that would look great with this type of decor and I would like to see how you implemented yours.
dental plaster works great to set the tree. Will you be drilling the trunk and gluing the flowering branches into the holes? If so, a dry trunk works better than a green one.
Best of luck with your project.
We found our tree by the side of the road - allowed it to dry out, then attached a piece of plywood to the bottom that fit in our terra cotta pot snugly. We created a plaster mold (2 half circles) that fit around the tree base and tightly in the pot. This allows us to "disassemble" the tree, making moving it to a venue or just around the shop so much easier. The tree gets tiny green leaves in the spring, orange / red leaves in the fall and a dusting of snow and red cardinals in the winter. Our ceiling is covered with several grapevine garlands (thick, multible strands) and tiny white lights. The garland get cluster of grapes late summer, snow flakes in the winter - whatever we can find in mass and are affordably priced. We did learn a valuable tip when installing our second garland - soak them in hot, hot water for about 45 minutes prior to haning. This makes them far more flexible and far less prone to scratch the heck out of you as you manipulate the blasted thing into place.

I'd love to see pictures of what others have done.
I am going to try to attach a few pictures of the branches that hang from the ceiling. I have them hanging in 2 different areas. They hang from my drop ceiling from "sky hooks" that I got at the local hardware store (Home Depot does not carry them). I used full length rose wire (20 guage) to hang them. I hope this helps!



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flowering tree

we had to make some flower trees for an azalea ball a couple of years ago to put at the entrance.. saw this at a desing show... they took one of the 3 legged round tables you can get at like wal mart . turned it upside down and on the legs put pvc pipe that had been painted to look like tree trunk.. then positioned 3 large brances we collected from outside in those...
flower tree 2.jpg

flower tree 1.jpg
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