Facebook Overtakes MySpace

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Aug 12, 2004
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For the first time, according to the latest data from Compete, Facebook outdrew MySpace in terms of unique visitors. But Facebook isn't the fastest growing network. Twitter's numbers grew 27.6% in December, and 752% for the year. LinkedIn is up 152% for the year. In fact, the only one here that's losing traffic is MySpace. They better figure out a way to grab a new audience, and fast. Their demographic is growing up.
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I put up a MySpace page, but since I didn't have a photo of myself in a bikini I figure it won't get too many hits...

To many trashy people in the under 30 range. I'm an old lady now, not really interested in beer bongs and frat parties online.

Facebook is a lot cleaner and has more grown-ups.
FB and MS not my target market really. I wish it was, I'd be ripping that up! :)

In the future, niche sites will rule them all. I know laugh all you want... they did back in 95 when they said Netscape would be over taken. :)

I make this assumption because ones passion/hobby/likes is greater than the people they hung out with in high school or at work.

For example sports social networks, beer/wine/spirits social networks, wine drinking social networks, etc.... Yeah I know FB has groups, but it's not the same. Plus FB design is so 'college guy' and MS design is so WTFudge? But I know that function over form will wins.

What if there was a social network worked around boutiques and their customers who love them and is built around events, sales and relationships and shopping? Oh wait! There is one! The one I created, www.poshcircle.com :) lol (ok that was a pitiful plug I know) :) - The concept is ahead of it's time because the target market of a boutique is older and a lot of older people are like... 'email? isn't that the new Tom Hanks Movie?" - I might try to focus it more on one or two things that rely heavily on events, like Wine. I need to fix pC, it's broken. :)
FB really out ranked MS at VD, but I'm going with Twitter all the way----nothing compares to the speed of it's engine.

MS was never my target market. FB really hasn't done much for my business, but Twitter has really been bringing on the hits and orders!
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