Wonder how long or how many more will suffer when the lies that led to the Iraqi invasion come to light. The first will probably be Tony Blair's leadership, or even maybe his Labour government. Lots of facts are now being buried . before Dr. Kelly's inquiry gets going, he had a hard enough time controlling the back rooms of his own party, a lot of his own people didn't agree with his decision to back the US and are only waiting for a small opening to dump his ass on the street. Funny thing , the Americans spent a vast amount of time debating and trying to impeach Clinton for lying about getting a blowjob but hardly a whimper , since Saddam was toppled about the lack of weapons or who told some whoppers to get the support for this action. You would think most would be trying to get the heads of Bush and Chaney on a platter, hardly a peep, Clinton only comprimised his marriage , Bush, his country.