New Member
Aug 25, 2010
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My name is Dena, I am one of the owners of Fiori Bella Designs. We are a full service flower shop, flowers and gifts for all occasions.
Website: www.fioribellaflowers.com
We are located 200 Mounts Corner Dr. Freehold NJ
Inside Top Tomato. I have ten years experience in my field. My partner has been in retail for over 30 years.
Our experience together we would be more then happy to add some knowledge and be of assistance to the flowerChat Family.
Welcome to the FlowerChat community....

Poke about, there's a lot to take in and centuries of experience to mine and contribute to...

Enjoy your visit...
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Dena, you GOTTA "know" that there ARE "centuries" of experience AND information at FlowerChat, much of it coming from 30-40 posters, but ALL of it, coming from the heart AND wallet!!
Welcome, bring your heart, AND your thingy (you know, empty wallet/purse)!! :)
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