Floral adhesives?


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Nov 28, 2007
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I've always used Oasis floral adhesive, just don't like that it is so yellow. Tried Milton Adler's this weekend. Really like that it is clear, just found it takes longer to set up and is a lot thicker. Not sure I like it any better.

How do you feel about both products. Which do you like the best?
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We just had this discussion at the prom hands on workshop this past weekend. I like the fact that it is clear!! Positive! Not a fan of the smell and the smell remained after over 3 hours out in the air and again overnight in the cooler. It was thick enough that I felt it held in place to dry but apparently takes quite a bit of time to dry according to others in the workshop. I know our wholesaler is going to speak with the company regarding the odor and the length of setting time. I think it's a step in the right direction (I also hate the "brown" dried glue of Oasis)... hopefully they'll work on the formula.
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I have found that if the floral adhesive from oasis is clean, and not subjected to air, it does not discolour, and remains almost clear when it dries..
But, I agree, the old stuff is ugly.
I have switched back to the old style glue in a can, and keep it in a glue jar, instead of the glue that comes in the aluminum tube, just for that reason.
Since doing so, I have had no problems with the discoloured glue.
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Joanne, I don't know what kind you're getting but the Oasis adhesive whether in tube or can is brown and it dries brown (yes a "clearish brown") but on white or light colored ribbons, it does show if you don't cover every single bit of it... Doesn't matter if it's in the can or not.
The new Milton Adler adhesive is clear/opaque but there seems to be problems. Also was told it will not keep glass glued (which Oasis does). Probably difference between a "cement" and a "poly base".
Joanne, I don't know what kind you're getting but the Oasis adhesive whether in tube or can is brown and it dries brown (yes a "clearish brown") but on white or light colored ribbons, it does show if you don't cover every single bit of it... Doesn't matter if it's in the can or not.
The new Milton Adler adhesive is clear/opaque but there seems to be problems. Also was told it will not keep glass glued (which Oasis does). Probably difference between a "cement" and a "poly base".

I agree 100%
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I never heard of Milton Adler adhesive. If it stinks- I'm glad I didn't buy it anyway. Who wants to smell like gue at the prom? yuck.
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I really didn't notice that strong of a smell. My biggest problem was the set up time. It's says 3-5 minutes with full cure in 24 hours. It took longer than 5 minutes, more like 15, most of the flowers shifted a little to the side or lay out flat. I can't stand with my fingers on flowers for 15 minutes waiting for set up. I also think it is too thick, can't get it to tack like it should. Hope they make some improvements on it.

On a plus, it worked great to glue delph, or bell blooms on bouts.
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I feel the Oasis floral adhesive isn't as fast as they say either. NOTHING is as fast as the hot pan glue...but they say don't use that no more- so I don't.

I also feel like I waste so much glue! no matter how small of a hole I create by pinching the tube it just flows out anyway.

I think I waste more time by saying "NO NO NO NO NO STOP STOP STOP STOP...awwww crap!" And trying to get the glue to stop coming out the tube. AND then tryig to use some of the spilled glue.

I don't know why they don't put it in plastic tubes- like what eyelash glue come in. I thik if the bottom part of the tube was plastic like eyelash glue and the top was metal- it would be a genius design. The bottom plastic part would allow the glue to suck back in and the metal part would make it easy to clean up and be able to use the glue tube more than once.

Another thing that would be nice if they made the tubes 1/2 the size. That way if you didn't use up a whole tube you wouldn't waste so much glue if you can't get the cap off again.

You know that's genius talk!
Another thing that would be nice if they made the tubes 1/2 the size. That way if you didn't use up a whole tube you wouldn't waste so much glue if you can't get the cap off again.

You know that's genius talk!

Always, Always coat the neck and tip of the tube with either hand cream, antibiotic cream or whatever you have on hand. Cap won't stick.
Always, Always coat the neck and tip of the tube with either hand cream, antibiotic cream or whatever you have on hand. Cap won't stick.

I have been since Sprout suggested to spray it with pokon. BUT I feel that oil can damage the integrity of the glue. And regardless- they (oasis) should come up with a vessel that doesn't stick together.
Smither's Oasis Adhesive ( Tube Glue ) comes in TWO types of containers. - The squeeze tube and a metal screwtop can. Rather than buying the tube, buy the can and pour a small amount onto a bit of plastic and dip your floral materials in. it is MORE econonmical that way.......You have more than two times the amount of glue.......

Now, The brown color.........There is a clear version of the Oasis Adhesive, but currently, it is only marketed in Japan as far as I know. Remember though, the yellow/brown color is a clear indication of the 'stickiness power' of the glue.
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I 110% agree that Oasis needs to come up with a better delivery system for the glue. In the mean time, I have taught several people how to use the tube so they don't end up with the horrible mess.

I tell them to never squeeze the tube - ever. Just hold the tube at a 45 degree angle and (these are the words I use) "Threaten that you might, just might, pinch the tube the tiniest bit, but don't actually DO it, just threaten and while you are threatening to do it, hold the tip right on the flower or whatever and move the tip but don't squeeze."
Forego the tube.
Purchase the glue in a can. Transfer the glue into the plastic squeeze bottle.
You can open the cap of the plastic bottle as much or as little as you like. This allows you to control the amount of glue you are dipensing.
The screw cap doesn't ever clog up on the plastic bottle, like it does on the tube.
You don't even really need the screw top bottle for most applications ........ just pour a small amount onto a bit of plastic and dip your floral materials into the puddle of glue......let set a few moments to get tacky......and stick in place.
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When not using glue tube I place it upright in a shallow vase to keep it from oozing. When using I put the cap in the vase so I don't lose that d##n tiny thing on my desk. If the tube seals itself shut or there's just a tiny bit left I cut the other end off with shears and squeeze the rest out onto a piece of plastic to use up the last little bit.

I love the tip about putting lotion on the cap. I'm trying that this week!
Well I've had to learn to use the glue from Milton Adler, seems that the 2 suppliers I use most have not been able to get Oasis floral adhesive. They say it's been on back order for a month and half. Really makes me wonder if they are just trying to push selling all of the Milton Adler. Surely Oasis wouldn't be out of product, not good for business. Anyway, it is not as easy to get out of the tube, a lot thicker and the tube doesn't do as many corsages as Oasis. However I do love that it is clear.
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