Florist Review readers, Welcome to FlowerChat

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FlowerChat Administrator
Oct 31, 2002
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The FlowerChat Community would like to welcome the new members that have found their way here from the advertisement we placed in Florist Review Magazines February issue.

We hope that you find FlowerChat interesting, informative and helpful to the operation of your business. You will find many interesting topics with loads of useful information on everything that was mentioned in the ad, like wire services, SEO (search engine optimization), marketing tools, answers to technology questions and much more. There are business calculators, that range from wire service analysis to delivery costs, and tools for a whole lot more.

With all that, you'll also find some very interesting characters (members) that have and will offer not only their opinion on any topic, but also honest, sincere help should you need it. We feel pretty confident that there is someone here in the exact same position you are at this very moment and we all want to help you succeed in this industry, together we can make a difference.

We would like you to know that the membership here voluntarily contributed funds to pay for the advertisement we ran, and that we will be doing more in the near future. Why? Because we know that we have helped each other, and we sincerely want to help the floral industry as a whole, and the only way to do that is to gather the troops, circle the wagons and present a united front.

One place you may want to start is with FlowerChat How-To's

The How-To's will give you a brief run down on some of the more common aspects of YOUR new Community, and help you get aclimated. We also manage the RealFlorist Blog which you can have your store information added to at no charge to help consumers find your shop and your website, this link is getting stronger every day, and it will help with your sites page rank.

There is so much more to FlowerChat, that I could go on for pages, but for now, I'd like to encourage you to poke around in all the nooks and crannies of your new Community, get to know the place, we're sure you'll find it a great place to learn, share, grow and enjoy. Also, if you found us thru the ad in Florist Review, why not make your first post here in this thread, simply hit the Post Reply button, just a howdy or hello will do, does not have to be long winded like I am (you'll get used to that) and let us and the folks at FR know.

Again, Welcome, we ARE glad you are here!!

The Administrators and Members of the FlowerChat Community.

For a time, some of you NEW FOLKS will be termed LURKERS. That means that, you will sit back, read both the OLD and the new posts, until you get comfortable and then, ONE DAY, viola, you'll be a MIXER TOO!

Be assured that, no question you ask will be considered DUMB and all of us will be happy to either answer it, or give you the link where we've covered that subject before.

As Boss stated (aka Mark), welcome to this OPEN FORUM which allows us REAL WEE BEE FLORISTS to share and learn from each other every day.


Which means that, IT'S UP TO US to MAKE A DIFFERENCE fore ourselves and OUR PROFITABILITY!
This IS a magical place.....

where florists, and their support groups find out that you are NOT alone, and that someplace here, and somewhere within FC's member ranks, you'll find ANOTHER member with an answer, a solution, or the SAME PROBLEM as you have!!
You'll "yearn" to visit often, sometimes many times a day, trying to stay abreast of the day to day, and sometimes minute by minute confrontations that we REAL FLORISTS face.
You'll "learn" that EVERYTHING done HERE, and discussed here, at FlowerChat, is from personal and business experiences, that we NOW openly share with ALL....INCLUSIVELY!!!
Whether you are "NEW" to our wonderful industry, or are a "bark" shy of a towering OAK TREE of experience...this place is for YOU!!
FlowerChat was born of a deep down burning desire to have a simple way of getting the "word out" about what has been transpiring in the murky backround of the retail florist biz, and why "MAYBE" you've been feeling a little threatened, as a floral retailer, wholesaler, or supplier of specialty goods to our businesses, and we've uncovered much, and have just scratched the dust off some truths and "untruths"!!
The work of BOSS, INFINITE, CHR, and others, has managed to "blow" the sands of "sleep" from many florists' eyes, and "opened those very same eyes", by opening THEIR OWN HEARTS, and "heartaches" to the rest of the FlowerChat Nation, and helped to draw a battle line with those that would steal our competitiveness, by removing the "incentive" of future profit for our hard earned time and efforts!!
We welcome you here, as competitors, as friends, as scholors, and sophomores, in an industry looking for new directions, new strengths, and new information streams...from the VERY PEOPLE that know the shoes you walk NOT afraid to ask the questions, be NOT affected by the possible answers...ONLY BE AFRAID if you DON'T get involved in the FlowerChat family of REAL FLORISTS!!
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Reactions: 1 person
Great ad in Florists' Review

Very well done ad thanks for all the hard work putting the ad and this board together.
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