FloristCrusader Intro

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Evening, about 10pm your time I see...

Tell me, do you have a flower shop? Your site seems to say so, but it also looks like an order brokering venue...
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Thank you for your interest in our community. Please be more expansive about yourself and your business. I'm curious as to why the third question doesn't apply.

Thanks again for taking the time. Thanks also to Gordon for participating so quickly. :)

Good Day.
I have a real problem with a site that begins by stating "We deliver Flowers daily all over Australia using qualified local florists in & around the area"

Does this mean you have a "network of florists"?

I do wish our Oz members would chime in on this?? Please

efloristsRus built and host my website, which we have had for about 5 years now. I am not completely sure how their order gathering side works, I have on occasion received an order directly from them to deliver in my area, so I assume they have their own site to get orders that are passed on to others (remember this isn't always a bad thing!).

I do know that they are involved with the campain against Ready Flowers deceptive practices (see the other thread). Paul from efloristRus asked if I wanted be interviewed on TV for a story about it (I declined, I'll save that story for the other thread if anyone is interested).

I believe it would be beneficial to all to welcome them to the forum.

Thanks Todd for that information. It is helpful, however, I still would like to hear more from the applicant.

Hi there - it also would be helpful to know what position you hold at the company you are representing - owner/webmaster/janitor etc etc?
:) Just a little more information would be greatly helpful in the application process.

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