Flower arrangement for fund raiser


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2007
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I need some help coming up with an idea. I promised to do an arrangement for a fund raiser which is next weekend. They called today to confirm our information. They are sending me a tennis racket to work into the arrangement. It will be used as a centerpiece and then auctioned off for charity. She said some of the other florist were doing something for 150.00, asked how much mine would be. Told her that depended on the price of the racket.

I am at a loss. If it were golf clubs I could come up with something. It needs to be fresh flowers, but something that will not interfere with the guest view of the stage area. I welcome all ideas and I am totally brain dead with ideas. Had thought about outlining the racket with buttons or some small flower, but then the racket would be useless unless I used glue dashes. Still that's not reaching the price they would like to auction at.
Done a few racquet designs... One thing to think on, cut a new tennis ball in half, and glue it back together half on each side of the racquet.

See if they have some old net you can get...

Do a design with tropicals perhaps with the racquet across it on an upward angle... Use other tennis balls like Billy Balls... Or heck, use Billy Balls even...
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I like the net idea and tropicals. Wonder if you could get white agapanthus or allium. A bigger "ball" flower. could always do white pomander balls, but they are so time consuming.
Since you only have a week, my first inclination would probably not work for you. I am a "go big or go home" person when it comes to this sort of thing. Mine would be a stick figure, life-sized in wire. The figure would be in action on the swing going low to catch the ball. It would have real tennis shoes decorated, with a real visor or sweat band and then would have conceptual clothing, like hypericum and buttons strung on wire and shaping the outline of clothing.

I know, I probably just blew your mind but you DID ask!
Since you only have a week, my first inclination would probably not work for you. I am a "go big or go home" person when it comes to this sort of thing. Mine would be a stick figure, life-sized in wire. The figure would be in action on the swing going low to catch the ball. It would have real tennis shoes decorated, with a real visor or sweat band and then would have conceptual clothing, like hypericum and buttons strung on wire and shaping the outline of clothing.

I know, I probably just blew your mind but you DID ask!
I can see this with megawire - cog would be lower if decorating the "band, shoes, etc"... but would be a striking design (and somewhat "see thru" for guests).. Geez you're good Linda.
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Maybe you could find a tennis ball hopper/basket to set next to the propped up tennis racket. Fill the hopper with "tennis balls" made of oasis balls covered in yellow buttons and have a few outside of the hopper as well.