Flower Lovers

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New Member
Mar 10, 2008
New Hampshire
State / Prov
New Hampshire
I have this site on My Yahoo page.I look forward to the different photos everyday as they are taken by different people from all over. www.flickr.com/groups/florus/pool/ . I have used flickr for the past two years. I keep my portfolio on there. I recently started my own private group on there for the shop where all the designers pool their photos. When we take a consult for an event... we can invite the customer to the group and they can ask ?... post photos for us to see..... and it's free!!
Fascinating! I had to stop at page 75, but I fear you've found another addition for me........
Very cool! I saved it, will have to go back and look. May inspire me to take more photos (right now a dreaded chore that I only do when I force myself hah)
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