I'm not so sure that licencing is a bad idea.
There's no doubt that there would still be bad florists. Just like bad plumbers or whatever. Like any new idea, it would probably take a generation to weed out the grandfathered in people, before it would be mandatory for a florist to recieve a certain education before being legally allowed to purchase a florist licence.etc., there would be a distinction between the pro and the basement betty wanna be.
But where it may help is to put a restriction on the basement betty who buys a coke cooler, and puts it in her basement, and calls herself a florist.
If there were some sort of licencing, then she could still buy the coke cooler, and tell her friends, but she could not call herself a florist. So when it would come to, say the venue, perhaps the venue would decree that only licenced florists could provide the flowers.
My biggest problem is with people who present themselves as florists, but in reality work from their home, and do not pay all the associated taxes and fees that the rest of us must pay. In my case, that would be Provincial sales tax, federal sales tax, Canada Pension Plan, Unimployment insurace premiums, Federal accident insurance premiums, Commercial Property tax, Commercial Garbage Pick up fee, Commercial mortage rates on mortaged properties, legal minimum wage regulations,
and probably more than I can think of. If licences were mandatory, it would help to narrow the gap between the fees paid by legitimare business vs. an underground illegal businesses. It would also help colleges and universities understand the necessity of providing full education, as per the european model, for people wanting to enter the floral BUSINESS world.