FlowerChat Anniversary

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FlowerChat Administrator
Oct 31, 2002
State / Prov
WOW...how time flies. Come Tuesday October 31st, the FlowerChat Community will mark our 4th Anniversary and begin our FIFTH year as the leader in the online florist information sharing business.

I'm not really sure what significance being launched on Halloween Day has, or what it has contributed to our success, but I do know that our success is based on, and because of our membership, the fine florists that call FlowerChat home on the internet. You are the reason we are here!

There are many other industry segments represented too, from technology companies, wholesalers, and printers to wire service employees, industry publication staffers, reporters from national news organizationsand many more.

You all deserve the credit for our success. We truely appreciate the professionalism displayed here daily, your ability to agree to disagree without knives in the back, and your willingness to share information wiht newbies and veterans alike.

Going forward I see nothing but good things for our community members, those that are willing to learn, apply new thinking and move in new directions will be the florists of tomorrow that came from the florists of today. You have already shown that you are the most progressive thinking florists this industry has to offer, and I know I can count on you to continue to propel yourselves forward, and in turn the industry as a whole as well.

The next year, like the past one will see alot of change within our beloved industry, some good and perhaps some bad, but change none the less and those of us that are willing to work hard, honestly will be the ones driving the changes for the good of all.

Happy Anniversary FlowerChat, and to all our members as well, I'm proud to be part of YOUR Community!

FlowerChat Administrative Team
Wow Mark, it is hard to believe.

It is as if we are all part of building a living, breathing encyclopedia for the floral and related industries. :)

Happy Anniversary to us, and a big thank you to Ryan for "birthing" such a great place.

Happy anniversary FC community!
Thank you to all who started this wonderful site!:kuddle:
Thank you to all who continue to make it grow!:hug:
Happy Anniversary to us, and a big thank you to Ryan for "birthing" such a great place.

Ryan has been "birthing" a lot recently:)

On a similar path....we are at a crossroads of sort!!
The FlowerChat Nation, as we know it, had to endure the SAME growing pains as ANY infant...learning to recognize, learning to crawl, achieving walking, AND talking, at the same time, but we HAVE made mistakes along the way, and perhaps "alienated" some florists in our efforts to maintain order, and instill a "cerebral" site, over a "banter" site!
The silver lining of these actions, has "attracted" MANY, MANY new members, and guests to FlowerChat...those that want and need to be part of a growing trend in the NEW ERA of the floral industry!!
We look to YOU......all FlowerChat members...to be responsible for what you say AND imply, for what you READ and decipher, and for what you CHOOSE to make part of YOUR OWN mantra for survival!!
It was NOT that long ago, whereby florists had NOWHERE to turn, to REALLY talk and discuss the good things, and the bad things that ARE and HAVE HAPPENED to them, and THIS is where FlowerChat has TRULY EXCELLED in "building a bridge" that NO FLORIST is afraid to cross, and the construction is an ongoing project, whereby EVERY NEW MEMBER that joins FLOWERCHAT, create's a new "onramp" onto the new era floral highway...and the "bridge" is NO LONGER the "bottleneck" that it once was!!
The 31st marks a momentous occasion.....WHO KNEW, that in 4 short years, FlowerChat would become the PREDOMINANT world leader in bringing together florists, support businesses, and wire services to the SAME REALM,....and ISN'T IT ODD, that we ALL seem to have the same "issues" and "problems", and "success stories" to tell....and TELL THEM WE DO!!
Infinite wanted a site where honesty, and integrity prevailed....he's achieved that goal here at FlowerChat, and he, and your fellow admins, have attempted ONLINE, to do that which HE believes to be ultimate in real life, and FOR THAT, we ALL owe Ryan a great deal of thanks.
In return, all FlowerChat members and guests, have shown a great deal of respect, restraint, intelligence, and fortitude in helping to build a vibrant, and growth oriented website for REAL FLORISTS, and their futures in this wonderful industry!!
We thank you all...and to my friend and mentor Mark (aka BOSS), we are in awe of your spirit, and leadership, and defense of the well being of your fellow florists!!
Happy Anniversary Everyone!
Thanks Ryan for starting this bulletin Board and thanks to everyone else that helped Ryan acheive the board to todays stage.
THis site has helped me realize who my friends are. It has given me the strenght I need at time to make those important decison in our lives and business. It has been my sounding board when I needed a shoulder to cry on.
THanks everyone for your word of caring and wisdom.
Happy anniversary to us! Now I cannot imagine beginning a day without having breakfast with you guys. You have changed, and continue to change, how I view and manage my shop. Your posts inspire, nag, worry, gnaw at, and enlighten me everyday. I try to tell every florist about FC, spreading the gospel, so to speak.

This year, I have been especially grateful for the support that you have given through the times of deaths precious friends, a long-time employee, and family members, including my beloved father. Your prayers and support have helped carry me through my mom's declining health/surgeries, and my husband's also. You have been a great source of comfort and support. You are, indeed, family.
Thanks to all of the admins...Ryan for starting this wonderful place to hook up with friends, learn new things and to be able to vent and for his somewhat edgy humor....love you young man. To Mlou for all of the web site advice worth millions if there was a price tag placed on it, to Cathy for all of the "let's keep our heads on straight over this issue" and for sharing her expertise on photography and googlisms/website stuff, for Boss for his "straight arrow" honest opinions on WS's and relentless work on keeping us in the news, and to Mikey...ah yes, our beloved Mickey who never let's us get to big for our britches and keeps us in line with reminders of what good mature behavior is all about....we are truly blessed as a FlowerChat Nation to have such outstanding leadership as this. All of you need to take a bow......you are appreciated! Now, let's all send a check for 10 bucks to Ryan for his costs in maintaining the site....if each of us did this, we'd never miss it, and we'd return some of the favors he has done...what do you say guys. Ryan, do you accept Paypal for FC?????? Please post for us a way to do this! Thanks
lol -- Sher, you're awesome!

There is now a Donations link in the NavBar along the top of each page next to the New Posts and Arcade buttons.

Thanks to everyone - every single member - who has registered, even the ones who read and don't post! FlowerChat would be nothing without the members who give this community a purpose.

Thanks to all the Admin team who have taken the board to the next level. This forum wouldn't be nearly the success it is without the counsel, insight and hard work of the admins and moderators. Take a bow, Guys & Girls!

I'm pleased to announce that the Florist Image Gallery topped 300 unique photos yesterday. Ryan created the space to allow us to share and discuss original designs and to let consumers know there's more than just cookie-cutter flower arrangements available through their local florists.

The gallery has had more than 470,000 page views since its creation in late April. Way to go, gang!

Our Florist Directory contains listings of 81 shops and vendors and I hope more members will add links to their full-service stores and product sites and tell us a little about their specialties.

The Real Florist Blog is undergoing a redesign so watch for a new look and updated content soon.

Hard to believe FC is four year old and wonderful to see us growing every week. Take a look at the long-time members who were here from the start - and who keep contributing their ideas and energy to make for lively, informative discussions.

And thanks tor the newer members who bring fresh ideas and fresh perspectives to the ever-evolving topics of running a flower business.

It's our community members that make FC the most popular and informative spot to discuss all aspects of the retail flowers biz.

Here's to a great year 5! :bouquet2:
I can't imagine being a retail florist without the networking that Flowerchat provides. Because of the gaciousness of everyone who posts, about everything, I am able to make better decisions, for my business.

Thank you Ryan, and everyone who helps make this site possible, and thank you to everyone who asks the same questions I ask myself, and to those who ask the questions I never would have thought of!

Keep asking, keep answering, keep learning!

Wow! Only 4 going on 5! I'm hooked on a great habit of coming here to read and learn. Everyone is always so gracious, helpfull, kind and giving. This site is better than some publication rags and certainly an education all of it own.

I just wish we could have a flowerchat reunion somewhere!
Wow! Only 4 going on 5! I'm hooked on a great habit of coming here to read and learn. Everyone is always so gracious, helpfull, kind and giving. This site is better than some publication rags and certainly an education all of it own.

I just wish we could have a flowerchat reunion somewhere!

may I suggest our beach house in Puntarenas,Costa Rica??:hug:
Where and when Mikey?

Congratulations FlowerChat! Ryan, you have done a great job here. Thank you for being a valuable resource for our industry.

I remember when POLITICS was first debated here on FlowerChat a few years ago. It created a very devisive and mean-spirited atmosphere. One of the best things Ryan ever did was to spin-off politics into its own and separate section. I would encourage my fellow members to please continue to keep politics out of our floral posts so that we may remain a harmonious and respectful arena.
Congrats to all Flowerchatters!! You know I've said it before, I wouldn't be here- still running this store without the wisdom and support I've gotten from the board. We've gone from red ink to black and now starting our 5th year.
A hearltfelt thank you to all of you!

Flowers For You
Hollywood, Fl
It is honor and pleasure to be part of this great community. It’s hard to believe that a community such as this can come together and share so many of our own Ideas and experiences in this changing industry.

I look forward to the many new discussions that we will have in the next year. I never thought that what I had experienced over the past 3 1/2 years could be shared and understood with so many others within the industry and to know that I am not alone is very comforting.

We all have a message and I hope that we continue to make a difference within this industry.

Thank you Flowerchat for letting us all have a voice.
Seldom do I call out an WS order or receive an order over the phone anymore.

When I do, though, and I am speaking with the owner, I always mention this forum and encourage them to log on.

It just dawned on me as I as typing this that the same can be done for Doved or Merc'd orders as well. Just a little mention such as "Network with your peers at Flowerchat.com"


That's how word first spread about FC :) A few good folks adding a tag line to their Merc and Dove messages. Riding the backs of the WS to spread the good word :)

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