Hi there , I am really pleased to be a new member of flower chat. I am sure that i will learn heaps. I have been a florist for 20 years with a career break in banking! Sublime & ridiculous but I am now involved very heavily in design. I make regular trips to Amsterdam and find it like a breath of fresh air. Love keeping ahead of the trends. Recently I have been asked to design a bouquet for an up coming film starring Hilary Swank!A great privelige and it gets my work "out there" The film company are printing 10,000 posters with my bouquet on to be disrtributed through out the UK. I am still on cloud 9.
I settled in theUK 5 years ago after living in New Zealand for 14 years and have settled really well ti life in the Uk. MY husband is very much involved in the ecomerce side of the business, Web optomisation, online marketing etc... Sounds like a dirty word but every penny helps!
I would love to hear from like minded florists and chat.
Take Care and is everyone ready for the silly season!
I settled in theUK 5 years ago after living in New Zealand for 14 years and have settled really well ti life in the Uk. MY husband is very much involved in the ecomerce side of the business, Web optomisation, online marketing etc... Sounds like a dirty word but every penny helps!
I would love to hear from like minded florists and chat.
Take Care and is everyone ready for the silly season!