Our website address is www.flowersbyadrian.com. We have been located in a commercial building for nearly 30 years after moving the business out of the family home when it simply started taking over. I, personally, have been in the business for 3 years. I was lucky enough (in my opinion anyway) to find a local florist, who had been operating their business for a 40+ years, to offer me a position at their shop and learn first hand rather than spending the money that I didn't have for formal education and wasn't guaranteed a position afterwards. 3 years later I believe I have learned more than I ever could in school.
I was referred to FlowerChat by Flowers by Karen and feel that continuing to learn about the industry will take me "out" of the shop and this seems to be a good place to do t
I was referred to FlowerChat by Flowers by Karen and feel that continuing to learn about the industry will take me "out" of the shop and this seems to be a good place to do t