FlwrLady Intro

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New Member
Jul 8, 2008
Altamonte Springs
State / Prov
I am purchasing a retail floral business and need to network with other business owners to further my understanding of the trade.

My floral education consists of hands-on learning from friends in the industry, as well as self-taught techniques. I am interested in taking a course to further my skill set.

We will be developing a web site and making some changes to the day to day operations of the shop and will greatly benefit from your community, as well as share our experience along the way.
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Hi Flowerlady,

I have a few additional questions...have you ever physically worked in a shop? If so, for how long? When and where are you planning to take additional classes? What is you timeline for purchasing a store (or opening one)?

The reason I ask, is that this is a forum for professional florists, and although most are more than willing to share information and experiences, it is a 2 way street and members are expected to share their experiences in return. We are not @@@@@y, it's just that the collective brains have been picked 1 time too many helping people (of questionable qualification) start shops. Answering the additional questions will better help the membership evaluate your application.

Thanks in advance for your responses!
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Hi Flowerlady,
I have a few additional questions...have you ever physically worked in a shop? If so, for how long? When and where are you planning to take additional classes? What is you timeline for purchasing a store (or opening one)?

Hmmm. I can understand your concerns regarding new membership. I hope you take a chance on me :)

I've never worked in a shop (just admired them) and although I arrange my own flowers (and everyone else that I know) I am not niave enough to think that I can step right in and declare myself a "floral designer" I plan to rely HEAVILY on the owner and current staff to keep things running while I learn on the job.

About the classes... <ducking> I guess I was hoping to read some of the older posts and get a better idea about that. I know that the University of Central Florida offers courses and also the local Community college but I wonder if my time would be better spent in apprenticeship with a mentor or even traveling to a regional or national conference? Like any artist, I think you have to keep learning to further your skill set and keep your ideas fresh.

We are negotiating with a shop right now, and could close by next month if all goes well, so time is of the essence. If this particular sale does not work out for one reason or another, we will keep looking for the right situation for us.

Hope the additional information helps.

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Somehow I ended up with two introductions so I copied the second one and placed it here with the first one, becasue it contained a little more information about me and mine. Thanks for your help.

(copied) Hello to all. My husband, Ed, and I are purchasing a retail florist in the Central Florida area, so I thought to myself, "Self, how can I find out more about the community?" After a few minutes of furiously googling "florist" I found this wonderful group.

I am a firm believer that the best way to learn and grow is through networking with your peers and I'm looking forward to participating in chats, posting in the forums, logging into webinars, and sharing our experience as we navigate our way through the waters of new florist business ownership.

We are currently self employed, part time, in the jewelery design and manufacture industry and have been incorporated for 10 years. Ed is the manufacture portion and I handle the AR/AP side of things. The Florist that we are purchasing is primarily my baby, although he will certainly participate in the day to day operations.

We have two children, ages 3 and 8 and wonder how other business owners balance the shop with the kiddos? I guess I'll post more about that elsewhere.

Thanks for considering my membership. Hope to talk more with you soon!
Jenni (aka FlwrLady)
Lizi asked me the following questions: "Just wondering if you have any experience in the floral industry. You said you were buying a retail florist. Wondered why you would choose the floral industry over others."

The reason I chose the floral industry is that I need to do something I love. And I love flowers... not so much growing them, but arranging them and creating beauty and art and hopefully, joy with them.

Before owning our jewelery business, I worked full time planning events, which included working with clients to make their seminar or retreat a success. I am especially looking forward to working on special events like weddings and parties, to help their dreams become reality.

Does that sound corny? I guess since we have the opportunity to start a new direction in life, I just want to make it a good one.

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Hi all,
Just a quick update - the shop we were negotiating with did not work out - the books were disorganized and after our accountant looked them over, there were too many unanswered questions. That's the short version, believe me, but to protect the shop since it is still for sale, I'll leave it at that :)

So we're still waiting for a good opportunity to become available and working with a business broker. In the mean time, I've been reconsidering a new franchise. I guess I'll look over the archives and see what I can find out here.

Please feel free to PM me if you have any franchise suggestions for me to check out.

Ta ta,
aka FlwrLady
Hi Jenni,

Sorry that didn't work out for you! Although if it wasn't meant to be, you're better off!

I am personally pretty leary of franchises. I just don't know of any with a good enough reputation (sales, marketing or owner support) to pay that much money for the privledge of belonging. That is just my thought.

Good luck!
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Amy, thanks for the reply :)

We are still reading so many great posts here, using the search feature and just looking at some of the polls. I ma not sure about the franchise idea *at all* which is why I'm asking around some.

On the bright side, there is another opportunity that our business broker called us about yesterday, so we're going to find out more about it today, I hope!

Thanks again,
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