"For those about to rock"

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Dec 23, 2006
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I am so freakin' excited !!

AC/DC concert tomorrow night, in DC.
I can't wait , OMG !!

SOOO many great songs.

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DId'nt you hear,
The concert was cancelled!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ran out of electricity!
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Have fun, cant beat a good gig, i hardly go out unless its to see someone play these days.

Have a great night!!
I just got an order going to Brian Johnson (singer of AC/DC) at Wachovia Center Philadelphia, from a crazed fan, telling him she'll be in the 4th row waving to him, and left her phone number for him, looks like she may be going backstage for a little extracurricular activity!:cool:

She sent him a vase of orchids on the rocks!!!:yourock:
:boomsmiliWe salute you!

Jennifer, how was it??!!
I just got an order going to Brian Johnson (singer of AC/DC) at Wachovia Center Philadelphia, from a crazed fan, telling him she'll be in the 4th row waving to him, and left her phone number for him, looks like she may be going backstage for a little extracurricular activity!:cool:

She sent him a vase of orchids on the rocks!!!:yourock:

Wacovia Center refused the flower delivery! They do not accept flowers for bands, that sucks!!!:mad:

Looks like she aint getting back stage now, unless she flashes her boobies!:bangles:
I'm not an AC/DC fan but I can tell you Metallica sure kicked some ass weekend before last in Portland.

Loudest concert I've been to, and believe me I've been to more than a few.

Opening bands sucked.
Wow the dope (incl alcohol) sure took a toll on poor Eddie didn't it?

He used to be so cute.
I was so hot for him in the 80's.. I guess I have been out of the loop, I never knew it was that bad! Now is x wife Valerie is so thin and cute..(jenny Craig ):smoke
I was so hot for him in the 80's.. I guess I have been out of the loop, I never knew it was that bad! Now is x wife Valerie is so thin and cute..(jenny Craig ):smoke

Poetic justice for Valerie.
I saw Van Halen about 3 years ago I think in Vancouver. He looked horrible! Wore this silly little pony tail sticking straight up, seemed to be missing his teeth and he was staggering around the stage like he was right out it...the man can still play guitar tho!

The AC/DC concert was Kick A$$ !!

My hearing is starting to come back....

I never saw them in the 80's so this was such a treat for me, It was like the soundtrack to my life. (no comments please...you know what I meant).
I grew up with those songs.

here's what I don't understand.... why would you spend $100 or more on a concert ticket and just STAND there??? Most everyone was into it, but some just stood there..?? NOT ME

The night was like a mastercard commercial:
concert tickets - $200.00
2 beers - $16.00
rocking out/ dancing around without giving a sh*t - PRICELESS

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