FTD 100 years news letter


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2004
South Burlington
State / Prov
Just received our July statement and in that is the FTD News letter much of it talking about the 100 years. They talk about increasing revenues and the first thing they say is to get codified. I suspect that would not be an issue if they just priced the product correctly so that it was profitable to sell/ fill that order. I wonder if the they will ever figure it out that having unprofitable floral partners (Florist ) is in fact and unsafe partnership for the florist to be involved in!
A few days ago I posted about my "buddy" in the ws who told me that 35% of their revenue comes form porducts that they sell. He told me, It's great, florist have to coded by Aug, they place there order and add 7%. Then they call you up and get you to buy more......they can say that "we're almost sold out, going to be big". The (florist) then panicks, buys more and then takes the 3 month billing. So before the holiday even gets here, they've made profit on containers......and no charge for the dust. They do is the same as the OG (oh, wait they are the same, my bad) they red-direct the consumer (us), red-driect the focus of the holiday and then re-direct our dependence onto them.........so you have someone to lean on...........we all know........(not profitable). So, I'm glad you asked, "It's time for us to do a little re-directing oursleves"..........Thats why the Floral Revolution is near........If Thomas Kincaid calls me himself, I'm not buying.............Be blessed
did you know???....that the wire services DON'T "expect" YOU to charge for THEIR containers, based on THEIR design schedules????...
Take another look, and price out the designs of THEIR MSRP's, and ask yourself what portion is "missing" conveniently??....
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Mikey, you are so right so many wire service price structures leave something out, Bloomnet always left out labor costs, markup was supposed to be enough to fill their orders with profit...I think that many of them leave out the labor part because heck we all know that the arrangements up and make themselves...or the elves come in at night and we all come into full coolers every morning...back when we were in chrage of how much value was in an arrangement things were ok, now that the recipes are made by the wireservices, they are unrealistic from a profit point and we no longer have any control... This is one reason why I constantly say the internet has ruined our business...the internet has taken over our businesses and started to control how we make a living by unrealistic pictures and prices that don't make sense..