A few days ago I posted about my "buddy" in the ws who told me that 35% of their revenue comes form porducts that they sell. He told me, It's great, florist have to coded by Aug, they place there order and add 7%. Then they call you up and get you to buy more......they can say that "we're almost sold out, going to be big". The (florist) then panicks, buys more and then takes the 3 month billing. So before the holiday even gets here, they've made profit on containers......and no charge for the dust. They do is the same as the OG (oh, wait they are the same, my bad) they red-direct the consumer (us), red-driect the focus of the holiday and then re-direct our dependence onto them.........so you have someone to lean on...........we all know........(not profitable). So, I'm glad you asked, "It's time for us to do a little re-directing oursleves"..........Thats why the Floral Revolution is near........If Thomas Kincaid calls me himself, I'm not buying.............Be blessed