My Google Alerts and RSS reader are FULL of junk posts about 'FTD's' Good Neighbor Day. Most headlines in the posts imply that FTD is giving away FREE FLOWERS. A few sites link to a list of participating florists, which shows no florists ATM, but had less than 100 shops when I saw it last night.
How in the heck can FTD send out a press release about free flowers when less than .1% of members are participating nationally?
I realize a few capitalize on the event, and promote the heck out of it. But to imply that FTD does anything beyond sending out the press releases (and taking credit for the B&M florists who make this happen) has got to hit a nerve with local florists. It sure does me.
Better to send a Traveling Kindness Bouquet in your town than to be exploited for freebies to benefit you-know-who on your good name and hard work.
How in the heck can FTD send out a press release about free flowers when less than .1% of members are participating nationally?
I realize a few capitalize on the event, and promote the heck out of it. But to imply that FTD does anything beyond sending out the press releases (and taking credit for the B&M florists who make this happen) has got to hit a nerve with local florists. It sure does me.
Better to send a Traveling Kindness Bouquet in your town than to be exploited for freebies to benefit you-know-who on your good name and hard work.