I got yet another call from FTD today. Their pitch was that I would be on the "small town" program and many of the fees waived until September. I told him that I am WS free and intend to stay that way but told him to fax me the fee schedule and any and all ftd fees with their program. I have read the fax cover to cover and nothing is in it about the new reject fees.
Told him that I ran the numbers and that I lose money with every order I fill. I told him that members can't exist with the damage to the cash flow.
Ftd, if you are here.....I am afraid there will be no marriage happening between us. You have been left at the altar.
Told him that I ran the numbers and that I lose money with every order I fill. I told him that members can't exist with the damage to the cash flow.
Ftd, if you are here.....I am afraid there will be no marriage happening between us. You have been left at the altar.