FTD market place selling to non-florists...

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New Member
Oct 31, 2002
Northern CA
State / Prov
So, when did FTD market place start selling to non member stores? I think this pretty much sucks.
What is the point of being an FTD member if anyone can sell their products? Let's face it, we don't need them to send or recieve wire orders. They don't have quality assurance any more. They are competing in our market place with FTD.com and their yellow page adds in our local phone books. And now you don't even have to be an FTD member to carry the FTD product line? What is up with that?

Marketplace has been open to the public for several years. This made our decision to leave very easy. Why stick around and put up with the crap (and pay them for the priviledge) when we can buy w/o membership?
Oh ... Ask BBJ about buying Big Hug Mugs at the dollar store :)
Far as I know, its discontinued product....correct me if I'm wrong...

And on non-branded items, I believe there is a different priceing structure to non-members....

Again, correct me if I'm wrong...Bloomz...may have info on this, as we have been discussing it for 2 years, but the catalogs he got, were always higher priced than the ones I got....
Jim, what is this complainig about the FTD you so liked so much a few weeks ago???
Did you just wake up? Everything you are mentioning has been happening for the last few years or more.
Product, advertising in your market etc.
Being FTD isnt exclusive any more in my eyes.
Signing up members over the phone with no inspections.
THey used the excuse of coverage but they where signing up shop ion town that there was already lots of coverage.
I can go on and on if you would lilke but I won't.
Today my FSR?FBS OR wathever they call themselves now, is calling about a ongoing problem I have been having with FTD. Today I give him my answer if I am staying a member or leaving.
After much consideration, looking at numbers, pros and cons, etc,
I have decide to leave FTD as of April 30, 2003. I will be teleflora only and I think this is for me and my shop. Some will think FTD is the way but with everything is happening and the way they hide the truth doesnt make me a member of a family but a friend of a family. THis is my opinion.
Originally posted by Infinite
Oh ... Ask BBJ about buying Big Hug Mugs at the dollar store :)

Yep just bought some of the old Big-Hug mugs at Giant Tiger stores in Canada for $1.98 Canadian.....They never offered them to the florists for that price and I'm sure that Giant Tiger is making $$$ on the sale of each one! :(
It's nothing new, the local Pipers store have been selling all that Winnie the Pooh , Barbie and old Mothers day and easter crap for the last couple of years. Haven't seen any X-mas or valentines stuff though. Have seen a lot the the Russ plush line showing up at Shoppers Drug Mart , must not be giving them a cut rate as they sell for the same price as us.From what I've been told after this stuff sits in the warehouses for a couple of years and it becomes obvious to FTD that we (florists) won't buy it at any price then they dump it on the market to whoever will buy it. Gets bought up by low end wholesalers who sell it to whomever wants it.
I'm not even talking about the old stuff. I'm talking about the fact that you can now go on line at FTDI.com and even if you are not an FTD member you can get a password and shop on line at marketplace.
Originally posted by jbarb
I'm not even talking about the old stuff. I'm talking about the fact that you can now go on line at FTDI.com and even if you are not an FTD member you can get a password and shop on line at marketplace.

Yup - I signed up before we even left FTD :)
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