I love reading through these threads and stumbling across these pearls of wisdom.
I have been an FTD member for some time and I am confident that they have never stolen anything from me, I willingly joined their service and feel it is a mutually beneficial relationship. If it ever becomes otherwise both FTD and I have the option to leave and get on with our lives.
I have no problem with anyone not wanting the services of another business, but to continuously have cheap shots and accusations tossed around on this board is pointless and serves no larger good. I continually hear that the Flowerchat board is made up of "professionals", so why not act like one. If you have actual fact based comments post them, if not sit back and reserve the slurs.
By the way, I am not by any means suggesting FTD is a saint or otherwise. none of us are. I am simply saying they have not stolen anything, what they received was willingly given for services rendered, if you feel the value is not there, don't use the services.
On a last note, if by chance FTD held anyone at gunpoint and took their money please let me know and I will modify my comments, otherwise try to behave.