FTD Spin... Delivery Confirmations


FlowerChat Administrator
Oct 31, 2002
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Ya gotta love the SPIN!

A message from your FTD Field Business Consultant XXX XXXXX

Hello from the field! We are coming up on the beginning of the floral industry’s busiest time of year. I love the next few months. There is so much energy, excitement and passion for flowers at the holidays! Flowers are a part of so many family celebrations and I know that you take pride in what you do to make it special. It is all of our jobs to make sure that our customers are satisfied.
Since the holidays are here and you continue to optimize your resources promoting your shop for holiday gifts and decorating, I keep hearing "What can we do to exceed customers' expectations?"

I can help you not only meet but exceed customers expectations this month. Customer satisfaction is such an important aspect to any successful business.
I have spoken with many of you about the upcoming launch of the
FTD Delivery Confirmation Program on December 1. I am really excited that FTD is creating the program to not only meet consumer's expectations, but also provide an incentive for florists to send a delivery confirmation. This program is the right thing to do for the industry and our customers!
I am also sharing with you some ideas to start a customer rewards program. By creating a solid program that keeps the customer coming back to buy more from your shop, you will reap the benefits in multiple ways.
Click on the icons below for ways to exceed your customers' expectations and get ready to kick off a wonderful holiday season!

What the heck? I see it as another way to increase FTD'S cash flow....
Effective December 1, 2009, the FTD Delivery Confirmation Program will be one more way FTD and its network of quality florists continues to advance quality within the industry.
The goal of the new FTD Delivery Confirmation Program is for 100% of customers to receive a delivery confirmation within one business day after the order is delivered. The program is applicable for all orders including florist-to-florist, FTD.com and International.
Sending a delivery confirmation is made easy with step-by-step instructions when using FTD Mercury.
FTD Florists participation in this program is important to continue advancing quality within the floral industry and keep flower gift-giving at the top of customers’ minds. Therefore, a transmission credit will be given to filling florists that send a delivery confirmation within one business day after the order is delivered. FTD recognizes the end of the business day at 10:59PM CST. For example, if an order is delivered on Tuesday, the billing florist has until Wednesday at 10:59PM CST to send the delivery confirmation to be eligible for the transmission credit. For more examples, review the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).
Transmission Credit: $0.50
FTD continues to recognize how quality will define the floral industry by seeking out new ways to improve the customer experience and retain their business with FTD and FTD Florists. Delivery confirmation is just one more way to improve quality and enhance a customer’s experience.
Also effective December 1, 2009 the standard transmission fee is $2.00 (US) and $1.75 (CAD).
Also effective December 1, 2009 the standard transmission fee is $2.00 (US) and $1.75 (CAD).

SO slap me and CALL me STUPID! But didn't they raise the fee just enough to cover the costs of the "NEW and exciting program?" ::BS ::BS::BS::BS::BS::BS::BS::BS::BS::BS::BS::BS It's a freakin' BS parade!

What do they think we are? OH _ by WE I mean YOU! Cuz I dropped them back in September!

Yea ME
"...a customer rewards program..."

Sort of a scary phrase in light of recent publicity on The Today Show and MSNBC.
SOOOO glad I got out when I did. I don't miss one thing about FTD
Merry Holidays!!
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Ya gotta love the SPIN!

What the heck? I see it as another way to increase FTD'S cash flow....
Effective December 1, 2009, the FTD Delivery Confirmation Program will be one more way FTD and its network of quality florists continues to advance quality within the industry.
The goal of the new FTD Delivery Confirmation Program is for 100% of customers to receive a delivery confirmation within one business day after the order is delivered. The program is applicable for all orders including florist-to-florist, FTD.com and International.
Sending a delivery confirmation is made easy with step-by-step instructions when using FTD Mercury.
FTD Florists participation in this program is important to continue advancing quality within the floral industry and keep flower gift-giving at the top of customers’ minds. Therefore, a transmission credit will be given to filling florists that send a delivery confirmation within one business day after the order is delivered. FTD recognizes the end of the business day at 10:59PM CST. For example, if an order is delivered on Tuesday, the billing florist has until Wednesday at 10:59PM CST to send the delivery confirmation to be eligible for the transmission credit. For more examples, review the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).
Transmission Credit: $0.50
FTD continues to recognize how quality will define the floral industry by seeking out new ways to improve the customer experience and retain their business with FTD and FTD Florists. Delivery confirmation is just one more way to improve quality and enhance a customer’s experience.
Also effective December 1, 2009 the standard transmission fee is $2.00 (US) and $1.75 (CAD).
What amazes me is, this is something that we have automatically done, provided and requested for over 10 years and now they make it sound like rocket science. By the way BMT has been giving credit on DCONS for sometime already(Not Promoting just giving credit where credit due). Did you see the exercise required to send a dcon with Mercury are you kidding. Basically thou they only care about the .con orders. I guess they can be satisfied with one day. We feel thats unacceptable. God i can't wait for the alternative so nobody is dependant on any of them. Only problem is people using our system automatically confirms deliveries for them thus enabling .con orders and performing 100% customer satisfaction for there customers. . Sorry didnt mean to hijack just pissssssses me off. Can't all of us independant technology providers get together and share!!!

Hope everyone has an awesome Thanksgiving and tremendous kickoff to a profitable,safe,fun filled holiday season...

All the best
The big senders will cheer while the local worker-florists work harder for even less.

.50? are you kidding me? $2.00 to received each order is insane. That's an average of 4% of every order crossing the MERC, including each REF - so your 27% is now 31% for a whopping net of 69% or less.

Merry Christmas, everybody.

Hal, the dCons to consumers through MAS have been a terrific asset to our business. People LOVE them. But we bear the expense, so they should come from us to the consumer.

As with 1-800, we know the confirmations will be sent automatically whether the orders are delivered or not. I mean, $.50 is such a motivator for some.

So, the encapsulation of the message is................

We paid too much, shops are leaving in droves, and we need MO MONEY!

We'll call it $ERVICE, and sell it as meeting and exceeding our customer's expectations, albeit on YOUR DOLLARS.

And YES, we love the Holidays since we don't have to do any of the hard work associated with the labor and service involved with filling any of these orders sent to or through our own MIDDLEMAN SYSTEM.

It's GREAT TO BEE WIRE $ERVICE FREE! Oops! I made that up since it was not in their email marketing message, MEE THINKS?


Hal, the dCons to consumers through MAS have been a terrific asset to our business. People LOVE them. But we bear the expense, so they should come from us to the consumer.
YES IT SHOULD... We will be marketing the consumer with incomings that come from the .cons requesting the email of the sender and themselves for an additional discount on any future orders placed with us. Give me a call its easy.
YES IT SHOULD... We will be marketing the consumer with incomings that come from the .cons requesting the email of the sender and themselves for an additional discount on any future orders placed with us. Give me a call its easy.
Great idea! Wouldn't do much for us since we don't fill for any .cons. :>

Can't begin to tell you what a pleasure it is not to have to deal with poorly sold orders, under-priced, over-promised orders.
In response to a question about the d-con charges, I received an e-mail from FTD customer support confirming that the additional 50cents will not be applied to orders, NOT SENT through the Mercury network.
