FTD, Teleflora and 1-800-FLOWERS Customer Reviews -- 1 STAR!


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2007
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Serendipity is a wonderful thing!

A few days ago, I Googled “Flower Hut,” because I wanted to see what links were out there. (BTW, I think it is a good idea for ANY merchant to do this periodically. That way, you get to see what your customer sees!)

On about page 6, I found a link to Yahoo! Shopping that promised to show a list of customer comments about our shop. Although Yahoo! hosts my e-commerce website, and sends me customer comments from time-to-time, I had never seen them all in one place.

I was pleased to see that my shop was rated at just a bit under 5 STARS.

After looking over the list, I wondered if the same resource was available for the “BIG 3.” And sure enough, it was!

And that’s when I learned that FTD, Teleflora and 1-800-FLOWERS were rated by YAHOO! SHOPPERS at just over 1 STAR. (There’s no such thing, apparently, as ZERO STARS!)

Here are the links:

FTD Yahoo Rating http://shopping.yahoo.com/merchantrating/;_ylt=AhBW3Xa57ciPpHn9vGaECeobFt0A?mid=6906

Teleflora Yahoo Rating http://shopping.yahoo.com/merchantrating/;_ylt=Apl1N223NsgCwXtt4cgfmLkbFt0A?mid=4830

1-800-Flowers Yahoo Rating http://shopping.yahoo.com/merchantrating/;_ylt=Asmkvk75AlH3hjBbrqG7N_MbFt0A?mid=1258

And here, also, is – I believe – the REASON for the DECLINE of the Floral Industry.

A “typical” once-or-twice-a-year floral shopper places an order with FTD with poor results. Next, he places an order with Teleflora with poor results. Finally, he places an order with 1-800-FLOWERS with poor results.

What will he conclude from these three disastrous encounters? “Gee! I bought flowers from the three BEST suppliers in the country and got poor results. I GUESS FLOWERS ARE NO LONGER A GREAT GIFT.”

And he discontinues sending flowers.

BTW... Here's what FLOWER HUT customers say about US... :)http://shopping.yahoo.com/merchantrating/;_ylt=Av.HwE4lFIeTSTuuZWWORKccEb0F?mid=16618

All the best,

Yea... what Bill said~!

Good job by the way Bill....
That's the stinkin' truth, Bill. Especially when the media insists on "testing" for upcoming holidays ordering only from them.

Now I KNOW someone is going to come right back and say that those orders may have initially started with one of the big three but in the end was filled by a real florist. I say "bah". It usually boils down to those ridiculous images.

I actually worked for a little over eleven hours for another florist the week-end before Valentine's Day. I made about 150 designs, and they encouraged me to "stuff" the designs to make them look more like what is seen on line. The fully open roses and lilies not to mention the flowers that have been photo-shopped in make it nearly impossible to replicate, especially when even most of the stems are not showing in the image! And then of course you have to look at the design at the precise angle that shows ALL of the flowers even though it's supposed to be all around.

I know that this is off topic but I would guess that on average, I added at least two more stems to each design. (Manager's decree...) That's a minimum of 300 more stems just for me in eleven hours that were not included in the costs. I digress.....

People expect to see exactly the same thing that is shown which is never going to happen and that isn't the fault of the filling florist ~ it's the fault of misleading images.

I'll now join Lori Barrett and bury my head in the warm sand.
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