Funny Story Part 2

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New Member
Mar 27, 2005
State / Prov
So after 3 months of wrong phone calls to our shop because AARP customers can't tell a 1 from a 7, we have changed our toll free number. Last month, we had 800 calls on our bill and $70 in charges because it was our toll free number.

Am I mad? Na. It's not printed in the yellow pages and where it is printed, online, I can easily update it quick. That and the older I get the more I believe in what goes around comes around (Karma) and I am getting off lite from all the prank calls I made as a teenager.

Just to share with you a few call conversations I had between a few of the customers:
(Before you judge me :) put yourself in my shoes.)

This guy argued with me that I was really AARP and not a florist, so I said, you're right... AARP, this is Brandon, how can I help you? He said his name and gave me his AARP number and asked for his prescriptions. I said, well, Mr. Jones, in our database, it looks as if you died last march, so before I can send out the medicine, I'll need proof you are alive. Then I hung up.

After about 30 calls one day, some poor lady called in and I said, can I please have your name, she said Mary, I said, well Mary you are the 1000th caller today and you have won a free prescription of medical Marijuana! Please give me your address and we'll ship it our today o by the end of the week you and your friends can doob it up for the weekend! Then I hung up.

Several conversations I had were in barn animal noises. Mooooo oink cluck QUACK!

Several times I told them, no you need to dial 5575, not 5515, they hang up and call me again, sometimes up to three times. *sigh* One lady, last week had called back for the third time, so I plugged my nose and said take me to your leader. She said huh? I repeated myself and was confused. Another time, this lady had called for the third time and I knew her name was martha, so i answered the phone... Hello.. she said hello and I said, hi this is Martha and I need my AARP prescription filled, was was boggled and thought I was a mind reader. So I went on and told her vision isn't too well anymore, she said, yes, you're right and acted amazed. I went on to tell her to get a pen and pencil and write down this number (the right AARP number) and to call it, they'd be able to help her with her problem.

lol Ahhh good times. When life hands you lemons, you might as well make lemonade.
Man... the Canadian equivalent is called CARP... ;)


I adore you! No wonder your bill for your toll free number was so're spending lots of time chatting to those AARP members! I wonder how many of your callers cancelled their AARP membership due to your fine customer service skills?
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