We did try, thru Teleflora, an e florist site. This lasted only one year.... without a financial gain for all the fees and the time it took to review their pricing, etc. It was not worth it. We are a very friendly florist and like to work with our customers to achieve total satisfaction with their delivery. You can address, up front, what looks fresh, value, what flowers you currently have available, if it is a same day delivery, which most are, etc. A Store Manager of a large department store explained to me once that for every one person that complains there will be ten that just bad mouth you. I feel people are more aware of value with the current economy and many have expressed their satisfaction with a delivery. We have seen a large increase of compliments about the arrangement being the most beautiful, the plant I recommended was perfect and our delivery driver was the most courteous and went out of his way with the delivery. This is what we need in an economy on a down turn. I know that with our fast pace, the shopping cart would bring in more business but customer service is #1 and we continue to struggle on how we can achieve that and the whole ecommerce issue.