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New Member
Oct 31, 2007
South Windsor
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We are a florist in South Windsor CT. We have been in business for over 25 years. We have started our own website to combat Telefloras non-exposure to it's local florists. We are also a part of a local group of florists now in discussion on the Ftds and Telefloras helping to put us all out of business. I am interested if anyone has broken the code on Teleflora's lock on credit card processing with the Daisy system. We used to be able to change processors, now they have a password so that only Teleflora can process our credit cards at exhorbitant rates. Hopefully, we can learn, as well as contribute to this group. Thanks, Sharon
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Hi Sharon,
Welcome to flowerchat! I'm sure you'll find a lot of useful info here, though I don't personally know about the Daisy TF password stuff.
We have started our own website to combat Telefloras non-exposure to it's local florists.
Does this mean you started your own independent florist site, or a site dealing with florist/TF issues that other florists join you in? If it's a site for your shop, be sure and register with our Florist Directory once your full membership begins.
Another fighter joins our midst! Welcome!
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