This is the latest project from Improve Everywhere. My thoughts? Guerrilla Marketing is so effective, what clever ways to stop people dead in their tracks. This one, nothing special, but how often do we pass 10 feet away from that noisy bell ringer? But look at the guys face at the end, only the heartless cynic would miss the beauty in this. It was not about selling, not about The Salvation Army, but about recognizing and acknowledging the guys efforts. Applied Guerrilla Marketing to Valentines Day, some crazy wacked idea that would be so bizzare that it would be picked up by the local media. How about 10 Cupids doing good deeds, you know the ones in pink ballet gowns and wings that have your shops name in big bold letters? Have them running up to couples with a rose and card. Or an invasion of Cupids running around down town in search of love. I know teenage boys would eat this stuff up. A quick part time job and a casting call and the goof balls would come out of the wood work. Better yet, will your drivers wear Cupid Outfits out on delivery this Valentines? If so, would you send them into your local Television Station with a dozen rose for the local morning newscaster? Chances are they could make a story out of it. Cupid strikes! Even better yet, work with a local 4 star restaurant that you know will be busy at Valentines Day and go in on a sweepstakes, two dozen primo red roses and a dinner for two, only catch is that you must be given a card by Cupid to be chosen. Have the newscaster be the first recipient. You may even see if a limo service could add to the package. It's gotta be a heck of a deal. I would think the smaller the town the bigger the impact. But maybe it would be about simplicity, no gain, just cupids out looking for people in love, rewarding them with a simple flower "and card". That would be good.
Just a crazy thought as I am laying in bed gorging on left over candy from last weeks Mitzvah, god I need protein.
Just a crazy thought as I am laying in bed gorging on left over candy from last weeks Mitzvah, god I need protein.