Wow where have I been?
I'm giggling as I type. I don't know how I got so out of touch with flowerchat. I remember not too long ago that a day could not go by that I didn't at least check in to see what's new, but this is the first time I saw this thread.
The Christian Motorcycle Ministry we joined in early May has kept us very busy and many nights we have meetings we never had before, that has taken me away some nights and many of the other nights I play Sims2.
In early summer I got Sims2 and all the expansion packs. It's sooooooooooooooo cool!
Wow, I'm 50! I just never could imagine having to say that, but now that I can say it, it's no big deal. I definitely feel completely different than I thought I would. I could not have imagined feeling this way. I pretty much just feel like I've crossed over into a land of opportunity. I feel a lot more motivated to take better care of myself and the desire to spread myself too thin is just plain gone. No more explanations, no more defending - this is how it is, take it or leave it, but not with sarcasm, just firm confidence. I'm holding my head tall and all I can wonder is what is 60 going to do to me? :dunno: Both of my sisters and my brother are all in their sixties and they are doing just great!!! But then my mom is 83 and works here everyday is also doing great!!! I guess it helps to have so many good role models.
Thanks for the birthday wishes and kind comments. I miss you guys too!