Happy New Year

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Oct 31, 2002
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Hope everyone has a safe and fun time!

I'm outta here - bound for the great white north with my great white in-laws ....

Should be fun :cool:
Party on Dude...

Glad I ain't got no In-laws.... what a way to spend New Years:D

Happy Happy 2003 Ya'll.....
Back at you

I'll never get out of here!!! Funeral work up the ying yang for manana...ah well. Happy New year one and all.
Mikey and Sandie sayz...

we think we see 2003, dancing and carousing with the Greeks, smashing plates, drinking wine, smashing plates, drinking MORE wine, smashing plates.....
To one and all, we see Two Thousand and Three, as a friendship year, the year we break some plates, we break some old harbingers,and break some new records for business, in the INDEPENDENT FLORIST BUSINESS!!
Health, wealth, stamina, and gain...for ALL our friends here near and far!!
Happy 2003...luv yu'all
Mike and Sandie


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Re: Back at you

Originally posted by Victoria
I'll never get out of here!!! Funeral work up the ying yang for manana...ah well. Happy New year one and all.
Ahhh... but I see you're on browsing the board now. Funeral work all done? Feel better? Enjoy your evening and the first day of the new year!
Heck Tom...I'm STILL here. I'm hoping for an answer on a hockey stick problem I'm having. Peter helped with the tape idea...but not the **** thing isn't holding together. I'm going home shortly as my patience is wearing thin. I'll start fresh in the a.m.

Hey you know what...2003 is a gift and I'm looking forward to unwrapping it day by day...God willing.

Hope you have a wonderful evening my dear. May peace and joy abound for all of us. There is always hope. :)

You were smart to tackle the hockey stick first. I hope it comes out OK!
I sincerely hope you're right about the gift of 2003. Maybe unwrapping it day by day is the way to do it. Living in the US doesn't give one tremendous optimism these days. We all need an abundance of peace, joy, and hope. Best to you!
And hugs back.
Tom!!!! You are a WONDERFUL HUMAN BEING! I will rest easier tonight now because of your sage advice. Thanks so much...if you were here, hug you to bits.

Take care and enjoy the quiet evening...Alana just called as you know and said she ordered pizza...sooooo I'm going to pick that up on the way home.

Thanks again...:)
Unfortunately, living anywhere these days is a scary proposition...but you know what...so far we're ok...one day and event at a time...and we'll find reasons to be glad, inspite of some of those around us. ;)

Thanks for saying I'm smart...I'm not blonde anymore so you've validated the intelligence I've been touting for several months now. :cool:

Be safe and good to you.
Gee. Now my blonde jokes are going to be wasted.
What's on the pizza? No one wants to share my anchovy pizzas with me.
Tom, you can still tell me blonde jokes. Only difference now is I'll understand them. ;)

As for the pizza...well Alana had the vegetarian with pineapple and I had the Athena...Greek Pizza with infused oil on a really really thin crust, veggies, black olives, basil, red onion, peppers and feta cheese...sooooooo good with a full bodied red wine. Now, with regard to the anchovy issue...I don't criticize peoples taste, but, euwwwwww. ;)

A friend of mine gave me a lovely quote...thought I'd share it with you since we were talking of people not being glad anymore.

"Life itself can't give you joy unless you really will it. Life just gives you time and space-it's up to YOU to fill it." It came to me at a really good time...when it was needed.

Lots to be glad about and for...new friends for one.

Hope things worked out with the funeral pieces for you. With us, the big funeral is Thursday.... took a bunch of pieces, got a weird feeling about the funeral and asked my mom what this one friend of my dad's real name is. He's always been known to me by his nickname. Turns out it's the friend. Of course, the gang of friends all have family that scattered to the winds so my dad probably spent part of last night trying to track down his cousin to let him know.

That's one of the things I hate about working in a flower shop, finding out about the death of friends and acquaintences in house. Holiday time funerals particularly blow.

Thanks Tom and Peter....the hockey stick arrangement actually looked fine, for what it was...dyed blue roses (gives me the shivers) burgundy carns, white flats, hypericum and some artistic license, thanks to the help received here. :) Some day it would be so great to see you face to face.

Funerals are all delivered...only 6 hours today. ;) Was going to go up to the lake tonight, but there is bad weather brewing...don't want to risk getting stranded again.

Enjoy the rest of the day...and again I thank you so much.

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