Hello All!

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New Member
Feb 23, 2007
State / Prov
Here's a bit of a belated Hello from us.

Our business is the Garner Greenhouse and we're located in Garner, IA. Population, all of almost 3K.

We own a greenhouse / retail flower shop / landscape / lawn care company.

On the 'about us' side of life. My wife Jayme handles everything on the cut flower side of our shop though I do all of the casket sprays. I myself deal with pretty much everything else. We've only been in the industry since mid '04. Prior to that my wife was a domestic engineer, and I was CTO for a technology provider in Wichita, KS. We moved up to Iowa for my family and purchased the greenhouse thinking "how hard can it be?".

Talk about being wrong. :) We received almost no training from the former owner. So we've spent alot of time on the internet learning everything we can about the industry. And I can honestly say there's nothing I'd rather be doing. Of course there's a lot of stress, but there's nothing as enjoyable as owning your own business and having fun with it.

Christopher Brown
Garner Greenhouse
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Welcome !! As to the school of hard knocks, alot of us can agree with that. Advice: Get all the "design school" info you can for wifey and there are some great greenhouse people here !! Join your state associations, take advantage of what they have to offer!
Welcome Chris!
Lots of support here, for sure....love your yin/yang avatar. Hope you keep enjoying the business. I've been in a lot of facets of it , and right now I focus on marketing.
Sounds like you and Jayme have your hands full , but happy!
Wow, sounds like you guys are busy! Welcome to the craziness of this site--just kidding. You'll learn lots and hopefully, you'll share some of your expertise.

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