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Feb 8, 2008
lake charles
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My name is Judy Pichon and I live in Lake Charles Louisiana.

i am a liscenced florist and I work for the WalMart Supercenter for over 7 years. I do know alot of florists dont like us, but I get profit sharing and good insurance which at this time I truly need! I hope to learn from all of you.......you never stop learning

Judy Pichon
Im sorry but seeing you work for walmart i can not give you pos feed back. The business you work for is one of the reasons alot of us mom and pop shop have to close. Sorry
So sorry - no love here...To clarify - we discuss lots of things in here that we hope differentiate us from Walmart and grocery store florists, and don't feel comfortable sharing them with same. Your presence would curtail good discussion.

I believe Green Profit is a more appropriate place for a person employed by one of them should learn.

Good luck
Sorry Judy, but this is not the forum for you. The words, florist and Wal-Mart, used together sort make me a bit ill. :puke:

(I cannot believe I just used that icon, but it does express the depths of my feelings on this!)
Julie... this is not a personal attack against you. As you stated you need to make a living and I certainly understand that. However, Walmart leaves a very bad taste in my mouth and I refuse to shop there.

While I hope you enjoy your floral career, perhaps if you change companies you can reapply to Flowerchat but for the moment I'm voting no as well.

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