Brant Florist
Retail Florist
It was Feb 1977, when my wife Elaine and I took over a very small florist shop. We had no previous experience in the industry and everyone said we were crazy. Hard to believe 30 years has whizzed past our eyes. Made every mistake in the book but we survived. Two sons now run the business and I get to be a consultant. Still learning, maybe more than ever with the internet
now being the fastest growing marketing channel. Hope to share ideas here. Ken
Retail Florist
It was Feb 1977, when my wife Elaine and I took over a very small florist shop. We had no previous experience in the industry and everyone said we were crazy. Hard to believe 30 years has whizzed past our eyes. Made every mistake in the book but we survived. Two sons now run the business and I get to be a consultant. Still learning, maybe more than ever with the internet
now being the fastest growing marketing channel. Hope to share ideas here. Ken