Here comes Peter Cottontail.....

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New Member
Dec 4, 2005
State / Prov
Well, the negatives of VD has really been ground, grind ed over and over till it's almost a fine sand! Don't get me wrong, it still exists, but let's don't turn the fine sand into nothing by continuing to grind it!

Thought a new thread would bring some positive thoughts to the board. So! I have dusted myself off, and am trying again! In another direction that is......
Personally I'm off to getting the lovely greens, pinks and yellows, lavenders out for a fresh new start in my mind!
Today, for me starts the scavenger hunting for all those unusual cheap pretty vases rather it be on the intranet or the dollar stores....the flea markets are neat as well but I have to wait till the weekend....

Anybody else do this and have other places they find goodies?

What are some of you doing for Easter & Secretary ? Have you thought about what designs, specials, colors you will be promoting?
I would like to hear what others are doing or will be doing such as window displays, etc.

Hope Peter Cottontail doesn't come and go before you realized you missed him and didn't get that chocolate bunny!

Easter in our area is almost null & void. We have tried to market it over the past few years, but it has dwindled down to almost nothing here in VA. with the exception of a few wire-ins for Easter Lily plants and spring arrangements. People here don't even do the corsages anymore. So needless to say.... were doing nothing. As for Secretaries week have yet got that far.
Easter here is pretty good, better than Secretary's day. We do an assortment of blooming plants, some simiple foiled ... some dressed in decorative pots. We also make an assortment of vase arr's and basket arr's for the cooler. Cut bouquets are made on the spot. No special candies, but we'll dress up our better chocolates with spring ribbon accents, silk scraps etc.

Not tons of deliveries, but it's a great walk-in weekend for us. Lots of folks coming to grandparents house for the weekend.

Today it's almost 50degrees out, so I'm ready for a nice spring, with the doors propped open and smiling faces.


PS - cute inexpensive containers at, more fun stuff at
I unpacked some fun easter/spring things yesterday from Melrose.. Mr. & Mrs. Rabbit made me laugh out loud at how much personailyt they had! we do well with seasonal home decor goodies.. everyone loves to spruce up thier home for the different holidays.. these things always do well for us.
it's a beautiful day here too.. watered my front planter (on south side of shop) have daffodils comming up! and tulips, planted last fall are peeking out in another bed! Time for Spring
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