Holiday Cards

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New Member
Oct 31, 2002
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Sounds like a good thing to do with little effort. When doing your Holiday cards this year, take one card and send it to this address. If we pass this on and everyone sends one card, think of how many cards these wonderful, special people who have sacrificed so much would get.
A Recovering American Soldierc/o Walter Reed Army Medical Center6900 Georgie Avenue, NWWashington, DC 20307-5001

Got this email today and thought it was worth passing along....
Oh yes! That is a wonderful idea, and count us in. Back in my military days (which I don't talk about much) I received a letter once from a wonderful woman when I was stationed in Kosovo. She brightened me up more than I thought possible to think someone was thinking of me that never even met me. We became penpals and I found out she was the oldest woman in her whole state!

Thank you so much for reminding me about how a little kindness can go a long way this Christmas season.
Thanks for this information. I participate in a card making class every Wednesday morning. I'll share this address with the members, who love to make and send cards.
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