:help:I'm getting way too many red flags with this bride. I just reworked her quote for the fourth time in two weeks and still have not received a deposit. She just emailed me again asking me for the dimensions of every bouquet?! She cut everything down by half from the original quote, is now worried about size BUT still wants to know if she can decrease the price!
I don't feel like I can make a profit anymore when I consider the time I am spending on her and I feel like no matter what I do, she'll be unhappy.
How do I turn her away? This wedding is all silks so I can't say the date was taken. She is ready to send me a deposit (on her terms though- I require 75% upfront for silks and she wants to do payments).
I don't feel like I can make a profit anymore when I consider the time I am spending on her and I feel like no matter what I do, she'll be unhappy.
How do I turn her away? This wedding is all silks so I can't say the date was taken. She is ready to send me a deposit (on her terms though- I require 75% upfront for silks and she wants to do payments).