How interesting that Teleflora's month ends

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Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2002
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on the 7th? or 8th of the month yet my "account" with them was cancelled on the 24th of January. Geez..tried to Dove in my reports of orders filled and it wouldn't accept it. Said I was an invalid shop code number. So I called Tech Support who told me I was invalid as of the 24th. Now dang it all..if the month end is the 7th or 8th of the next month, why is my membership invalid as of the 24th of the previous month.
Glad I'm out...seems like more and more garbage is coming charges..hidden charges etc. But dang, at least finish out the month as they see it........
Sorry, but

that's how it always works when it comes to the wire services. It will always be in THEIR favor, not yours. Funny, but florists continue to forget that THEY are the major source of income for these WS. It used to be that the florists were the ONLY source, but now they are into drop shipping other products. Of course, some florists seem to be willing to help subsidize this redirection of the wire servcies and continue to send money every money. Silly rabbit!
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