What is the going rate for a semi experienced designer?
A manager?
Utility person?
I offer health insurance to my employees but it so expensive only my manager uses it. I pay a set amout each week on it, he is my key person been with my for 5 years- great designer & sales person.
But I have 2 designers pretty good both limited experience and need to watched on COG's, but they seem to unhappy with there pay.
My opionion is if you don't like it then quit, dont @@@@@ behind my back.
We usually have a very good track record with employees.
Most my drivers stay 10 years or more ( they are retired when we hire them) Designers stay 3 or more years, and tend to come back when they venture out and see who other shops treat them.
So I am just underpaying these people or they just unhappy?
A manager?
Utility person?
I offer health insurance to my employees but it so expensive only my manager uses it. I pay a set amout each week on it, he is my key person been with my for 5 years- great designer & sales person.
But I have 2 designers pretty good both limited experience and need to watched on COG's, but they seem to unhappy with there pay.
My opionion is if you don't like it then quit, dont @@@@@ behind my back.
We usually have a very good track record with employees.
Most my drivers stay 10 years or more ( they are retired when we hire them) Designers stay 3 or more years, and tend to come back when they venture out and see who other shops treat them.
So I am just underpaying these people or they just unhappy?