How To Video #1

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Staff member
Oct 31, 2002
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We're experimenting with creating some How To videos for FlowerChat functions. Jim's been hard at work playing with different screen cap packages, and we've posted the first video here.

YouTube has shrunk the image size, so please let us know if the image is too small or too blurry and we'll look into other options.

All feedback is welcome (even Clay's), and we'd also like to hear from you about what topics you'd like to see covered.

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Very kewl.....!

I can see it OK, but I know the "How" part already...and I wear Bifocals ;)
We're experimenting with creating some How To videos for FlowerChat functions. Jim's been hard at work playing with different screen cap packages, and we've posted the first video here.

YouTube has shrunk the image size, so please let us know if the image is too small or too blurry and we'll look into other options.

All feedback is welcome (even Clay's), and we'd also like to hear from you about what topics you'd like to see covered.


Very kewl.....!

I can see it OK, but I know the "How" part already...and I wear Bifocals ;)

I couldn't really see any of the text...but I listen well...I now I know how to multi-quote!!!

Thanks, Ry!
Very helpful - thanx
Great minds. . . .think. . . .

I had actually played around with Camtasia and wanted to do one on

........HOW TO REGISTER........

Some florists are still scared to death of doing something wrong, therefore, they are missing out on their Continuing Education at FCU.

They use the excuse, "I don't have time for that", when really they are just afraid.

O.K. I'll try this again.Thanks for the help. I still get frustated trying to post or reply. I could see the cursor. Reading anything on the page, no, not so much. I'm not afraid of making mistakes. I do not have the time to dedicate understanding all of it.
What really burns my biscuits though. Is what just happened to me with my first reply. When I try to post or reply. I click reply & I get the message " sorry, you can't reply to this" "you are not logged in" & whatever I just did. Sends my reply or post off into cyber space or something. Then I have to do it all over again or maybe it has been posted I'm not sure. Usually I just get T-totally frustrated & log off. As I replied before. I do appreciate the help. Thank You

You might be timing out, if you take a long time to create your reply. Make sure that when you log in you check the box that says Remember Me.

I just get T-totally frustrated & log off.


You might be timing out, if you take a long time to create your reply. Make sure that when you log in you check the box that says Remember Me.

Ryan Ryan said click the "Remember Me" button when you sign on...

I never "log off" of Flowerchat, I simply go to another site, or get on with "work"...whenever I return I'm automatically back in the game.
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Thank you! who knew? my bad, well I guess you all did. Now I know click the box in the corner, so I don't get a time out.
Thanks again
Now doing that multi-quote thing in a reply to me is just showing off. Just kidding, you have given me good advice & been helpful before to me, Thanks.
I'll try not to get anymore time outs?
Now doing that multi-quote thing in a reply to me is just showing off.
Naw.... just remember, when using multi-quote, to select the quotes in the order you want them to appear in your reply...

Have fun!
Thanks for that guys .You're just great at explaining things and not making me feel so dumb.Another handy lesson from the masters to the student about a million more to go .Looking forward to learning.
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